Femme Birth

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    I'm Silenced.... By the sound of mother nature's creations colliding through its paths. Despair of my own thoughts. I refused to look back on how things use to be. My presence is only for right now not forever. Immensely thinking in several threads count thinking about the times that will never come back. Layers. Covering my innocence but the womb I can't seem to produce. Drying up the sour lactaid. Blood spills between my golden orchid. Surrounded by non-other than crisp winds, and the sea you can see beyond our forever existence. Steadily still, floating to wherever this life pushes me. While eruptions of my own labor play a big part. Holding my knees cupping my rotted fruit. Shadowing it from what other's may offer. Baring the fact that I would ever drown under the watchful eyes praying my sudden death. Take my palm. Feel the sudden chills of my hatred rolling off me. Hold me close. But learn to let me go. Put me back into the water. I shall continue to float along the crosses of the sea waiting to be washed away from it all. Floating as the droplets linger coating myself with kisses from the sun quenching its thirst. Slipping beneath relentless hands cascading my mind. I begin to shed a new into the very center of this earth. Sinking to my very best of lows. Giving birth to what needs to be recognized...Me.  

Forbidden Ode. Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now