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  Embodied the visionary talent of the misfit minds corresponding the thorough locks pulsating at the very last breath. You feel panic at the sight of seeing a free mind such as herself standing, demanding the respect which was rightfully earned. Confidence is the name, to be told to handle it with care. Many misuse the fragment for bragging rights never second guessing the attention in which it attracts envisioned a separate mind set. Abstentious minds corruptions, overbearing thoughts hold her in the similar mindset being told the way she was molded was an utter mistake. Define the term "easy" is she easy because she knows what she demands from life itself? Or is she too molten for a certain percentage of men that have little to no staminate responsibilities to see what the truth shall lay in the presence of the world to see. No apologies needed to any. Very few can only see ones worth. To all who cannot the shame isn't on you, but to unfulfilled capacity known as the temple of freedom.    

Forbidden Ode. Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now