The Nerd King's Wrath

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Alright, let's get this over with.

Chapter 15: The Nerd King's Wrath

Outside Fort Francis

After the long walk, the trio of Ava, Luvbi, and Dib had made it to Francis' fortress. "So, this is Fort Francis." Dib said as they looked up at the imposing base. "Boy, for a nerdy guy who probably lives with his mom, this place doesn't look half bad."

"He is referred not as the king among nerds for nothing." Luvbi replied.

"Come on! We have to help Nigel." Ava reminded them.

"Okay! Let's crash this dork's party!" Dib exclaimed as he walked toward the door to the castle. As he was about to open it, a giant, mechanical eye came out from above the door and looked down at Dib.

"Halt." The eye said in a computer voice. "Only Master Francis and totally hot babes are allowed to enter."

"What?" Dib asked confused.

"Must run a scan to confirm your identity." With that, the eye began to scan Dib's body. "Subject identified as: a baby hippo in glasses."

Ava and Luvbi giggled at this. "Now, hold on a second!" Dib exclaimed. "I am not a-"

"You are not Master Francis or a totally hot babe. Deploy deadly kitty lasers." With that, a dozen lasers came out from around the eye and aimed at Dib.

"Uh, could I just-" Dib try to say, but was interrupted when the lasers fired, causing him great pain. The zapping lasted for about ten seconds and his skeleton could be seen the entire time. Finally, it stopped, leaving a roasted Dib.

"That didst not go as planned." Luvbi said.

Dib coughed. "Well, how are we supposed to get by this?"

Ava thought for a moment. "Step aside, Dib. I'll get us in." With that, Dib moved to the side as Ava approached the door. Luvbi blew a gust of wind at Dib, blowing off his soot, as Ava said, "Hey, door guy! Looking for a hot babe? Well, here ya go!"

The eye then began scanning Ava. "Subject identified as: a young, Glomourian girl. Hot babe detected! You may enter." With that, the front doors opened.

"Easy as that. Now, let's go help our friend!" Ava said victoriously as the three headed on in.

"Oh, one more thing." The eye said as a mechanical leg lowered down to Dib and kicked him for no reason. "HA! That never gets old!" (Play the "Fort Francis" theme from Super Paper Mario.)

Dungeon 4: Fort Francis

Mission: Rescue Nigel and defeat Francis.

The three entered what appeared to be the castle's foyer, where a few Meowmaids were mindlessly walking around. "This guy must really be into cats." Dib commented. Ava looked at the M.A.P. and saw the two doors at the top of the foyer stairs were locked. They entered a room on the left side of the room first, and found their selves in the kitchen. There, a group of Meowbots were each doing chores, such as washing dishes or preparing dinner. They saw that on one of the shelves, groups of tiny Kateenian children were trapped helplessly inside jars.

"Master Francis demands his special Kateenian stew be ready in time for presenting Nigel Uno to the Tallest. Meow." One said.

Angered, Ava zipped over and beheaded the robot who said that. The other Meowbots went crazy as a result, either throwing dishes rapidly or squirting out soup (depending on their job). The operatives started fighting back at the angered Meowmaids, who didn't put up too much of a fight as Dib teared them to pieces with his mech arms. During all the fighting, Luvbi floated up to the Kateenians and blew their jars to the floor, smashing them. Once again, the kids erupted into tiny cheers. "Prithee, just call on me as thine guardian angel." Luvbi stated proudly.

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