The Invasion

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It's finally time, everybody! The biggest action scene you'll ever see: THE INVASION! Packed with several explosions, gunfire, comedic moments, deaths, and even some LOVE! Time to start my favorite world (which is the world we live in), Planet Earth! GO!

Chapter 25: The Invasion

Numbuh 1 was sitting on the stairs in the main room with a solemn expression. The mariachi band was by his side. "I don't know what I'm going to do, guys. I have no way to prove to Jirachi that Dimentia's lying and if I go against her, she'll erase everyone's memories of me."

"Well, you know what they say, amigo." The band leader said. "You win some, you lose some. You lost some, Dimentia won some!"

"No, she won A LOT!" Nigel replied angrily.

"I'm sorry, amigo. But I guess Dimentia being a youth forever is just meant to be. Which reminds me: what do you want us to do with the video?"

Nigel looked up at him. "Video? What video?"

"Oh, uh, I forgot to mention, ever since you returned from Planet Glacia, the band and I planted a little mini camera in your clothes to record all your adventures, so we may relive these moments for future generations!" He reached behind Nigel's vest and pulled out a camera, hidden behind. From that camera, he pulled a small chip.

At seeing this, Nigel raised a brow. "Does that have Dimentia's confession on it?"

"Oh, yes! Everything up from Planet Kateenia to now!"

Nigel's expression lit up brightly. "WE HAVE DIMENTIA'S CONFESSION ON TAPE! Oh, I love you guys so much!" He embraced the band leader in a hug.

"E-Easy, amigo! We have very weak backsides!"

Nigel let go. "Now I just gotta find a way to show this to Jirachi and Dimentia will be-"

"NIGEL!" Nigel looked to see Ava and the rest of his friends running in.

"Ava, I've got-"

"Not now, Nigel! There's something on TV you need to see!" She pushed a remote and a large computer screen lowered itself from the ceiling, showing the Galaxia News team.

"Welcome back to Channel 5,000 News! Galaxia's most-watched news program!" Linda said.

"Our top story today:" Morbo continued, "the Irkens have taken an all-out offensive against the filthy human planet, known as Earth."

"WHAT?" exclaimed Nigel and Dib.

The screen showed their homeworld being blown up by Irkens and several other enemies they've encountered. "That's right. The Irkens and their allies are hard at work invading Earth, leaving no trace of anything unscathed. We now go live to Drunk Billy in the Channel 5,000 News ship."

The screen showed a spaceship spinning and flying uncontrollably and crashing into an unsuspecting house.

"This just in: Drunk Billy died today. Here are some clips of Drunk Billy's memorable moments."

The screen showed an image of Corneria and Drunk Billy flying through some unsuspecting skyscrapers. It then showed him crashing into a prison on some dinosaur planet and releasing a gang of two-legged dinosaurs. Afterwards, it showed a picture of some Kateenian children on a playground, and Drunk Billy crashing into and crushing them. Finally, it showed him flying into the Death Star and blowing it up.

"Drunk Billy will be missed."


Nigel and the gang were soon in their ships, preparing to take off. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Ava asked.

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