The Purple Dragon

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like this world coming up.

Chapter 16: The Purple Dragon

The Massive

On the Tallests' grand flagship, the two emperors were sitting in their control area doing what they do (which is eating more snacks). Orbot and Cubot rolled in as the former reported, "Sirs: we have some good news and bad news."

"Bad news first." Red said, wanting to get the bad part over with.

"Well, our spy just reported, and it seems that Francis was, in fact, beaten by Number 1."

"Yarr, those guys swabbed the deck with him, they did!" Cubot said.

"Wow, Francis got beat. Why am I not surprised?" Red replied sarcastically.

"What's the good news?" Purple asked.

"The good news is Cubot's new voice chip just came in! I'll put it in now." Orbot said as he opened a slot in Cubot's neck and put the chip in. "There we are! Should be fixed now."

"YO! Man, Ah feel more hyper 'an a hedgehog on cactus juice! This new voice chip's the shiz, yo!" Cubot exclaimed in a rapper-like voice.

"Okay, maybe not." Orbot said.

"Ugh. Is it really that hard to fix a simple voice chip?" Red asked.

"Yo, man, quit bustin' mah buttons over here. I still got the stuff even if I sound like a duncebucket!"

"What does that even- Oh, never mind! We have bigger problems to worry about."

"Yeah." replied Purple. "Those GKND have nearly all the Stars now. We don't even know where the rest of them are."

"Well, except for the one Ripto found on Planet Avalar." corrected Red.

"Then it's highly likely they'll go to Avalar next. Should we plan something there?" asked Orbot.

"Don't worry. Ripto's currently using the Star for his new scepter, making him powerful. The only thing that could beat him would be a dragon."

"Well, Avalar has quite the population of dragons, you know."

"Yes, but Ripto recently caught his own pet dragon just in case, so we have nothing to worry about. The only thing that concerns me now is the whereabouts of Zim. Where is he?"

"We haven't quite heard about Zim since he helped the GKND defeat Tak. He is still on the wanted list, so some people will be searching for him. I'm still concerned of what he may do if he finds out he's on the wanted list. He may be incompetent, but he may have the guts to turn against us."

"Maybe, but if he calls about it, we'll come up with something. For right now, get to finding those Stars. (And fixing that chip.)" The robots saluted and rolled out.

The Tallest were silent for a few minutes until Purple asked, "Hey, Red, ever hear about those adults who've gone missing on some planets?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Where do you think they disappear to?"

"I don't know. But whatever's happening to them can't possibly happen to us, right? I mean, we are the Tallest."

Purple chuckled. "Yeah! You're right!" The Tallest then sat in silence for a few moments, smiling. Soon afterward, they showed slight expressions of worry.

Star Haven

Ava was calmly sitting at the edge of the river at Star Haven, with her legs hanging over the water. Several Wisps were flying around the Haven, taking drinks of Dream Water. Her new tiny friend, Kweeb, was sitting on her shoulder. "This place sure is beautiful, isn't it?" Ava asked.

Operation: GALACSIAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora