First Meeting

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"I-I'm sorry!"

"Are you o..."

The short first year looked up. The boy was blushing and seemed to be rather in awe. His neck had a black and red scarf around it that attracted the younger girl. She reached out to him and then tugged on his scarf.

"I like your scarf. It's...soft," she giggled. The boy's blush deepened then.

"C-Cute!" he muttered in reply. A billion thoughts raced through his mind. The girl looked like a little sister to him. Now all he needed was for her too call him 'onii-chan.'

The boy hurriedly stood up and then grabbed the girl's hands, pulling her up. A smirk played on his lips, hardly noticeable to any other than himself.

"My name is Nase, Hiroomi," he cooed. "I'm a third year."

"I-I," the young one began. "am a first year. ______, ______."

"Why, what a lovely name. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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