I Promised

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  It was beginning to get late and _____ found herself slowly dozing off. Hiroomi promised to stay until one of her siblings arrived back home, but she felt rude falling asleep on him like this.

  Hiroomi smiled at the sleepy figure before him and his eyes softened. He reached out, gently grabbing the petite hand. "Please, _____-chan. I will watch over you if you must sleep. Shut your eyes and get some rest." 

  _____'s eyes were barely open as she fought to stay awake but with Hiroomi's gentle touch, his thumb rubbing her knuckles, she found herself finding it much more difficult to resist sleep's sweet embrace. Soon enough she rested her head in her arms upon the table, letting sleep take her. Hiroomi smiled and let go of her hand. He stood up and removed his scarf, unfolding it and draped it over her shoulders. 

  "It's not much but I hope this can keep you a little warm," he whispered as he returned to his spot, taking her hand once again. 

  Hiroomi stayed by her side, gently holding her hand across the small table.  It wasn't until about half past midnight that the front door opened. Hiroomi himself had began dozing off a bit but the sound of the front door closing had him on full alert. The individual seemed to be trying their best to stay quiet and was opening up a door or two, looking around. Hiroomi assumed they'd be looking for _____. Eventually the individual crept into the kitchen unit and stopped dead in their tracks. Hiroomi barely could make out who the person was but he lifted a finger up to his mouth to hush them and pointed to _____.

  "She fell asleep," Hiroomi whispered. 

  The shadow of an individual stepped into the side room, revealing themselves as what Hiroomi assumed was her older brother. He was a bit scary looking, perhaps angry was a better adjective. Whatever was chosen, Hiroomi was a tad bit intimidated to say the least. _____ and he looked so much alike but so different at the same time. Hiroomi released _____'s hand as her brother approached her and knelt besides her. He set a hand on her back, rubbing in circles to which she slowly woke up to.

  Looking up to her brother _____ yawned. "Welcome home, Heisuke.."

  "Thanks, _____. I think it's time you get in bed and your friend heads home, " he said softly, helping her up. 

  "Hiroomi is still here?" Looking down and across the table, she saw Hiroomi who smiled gently and stood up. 

  "I promised I would wait until someone returned, didn't I?"

  _____ nodded and smiled faintly before her older brother began walking her off to her room. As soon as she hit her bed, she was out like a light.

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