This Isn't Brunch

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  After getting dressed, ______ quickly tugged Hiroomi out her home, yelling a goodbye to her siblings.

  "So what's the plan?" Hiroomi chuckled. _____didn't take a lot of time to get dressed. She threw on a skirt and sweater. Hiroomi tried to smooth out her hair as the paired walked but it was a little difficult. "Wait, wait."

  "I just want to g-get as far away from my s-siblings as possible," _____ squeaked. She halted and allowed Hiroomi to run his hands gently through her hair, causing her to blush softly.

  "Mm, why is that?"

  "Th-They're so nosey! A-And I don't want y-you three to meet yet."

  Hiroomi had a soft grin as he threaded his fingers through her hand's fingers and then brought her close. "I understand," he said calmly. He immediately relaxed ______'s nerves and he patted her hair. "I will wait until you are comfortable."

  "H-Hiroomi," she whispered softly. This was still an act, right? Her face grew darker shades of red by the second and she her thoughts began to race until he finally let go.

  "So, brunch?"



  "B-Buh..Bru- Brunch-ch.."

  "Mm! Good girl!~" he mused. "I know just the place."


  Arriving at a small shop, Hiroomi had a sly, shit eating grin plastered on his features. _____ didn't even notice as Hiroomi held the door for her and then closed it behind them.

  ______ looked about and saw a couple of tables but it didn't seem like a popular spot for food. In fact, it looked liked no one was here.

  "Oh, here. Take off your shoes," Hiroomi commented, slipping his own off. He took her hand, helping her in after she followed suit.

  "This sure is a...secluded area."

  Hiroomi just smiled and led her down a hallway. "This way."


  "Shindo-san," Hiroomi called out. A soft voice could be heard murmuring in the distance. Nothing was loud enough to make out though. Hiroomi stopped before a set of shoji. It slid open and a young girl around the same height as _____ popped her head out, greeting them with a cheerful smile.

  "Ah, Ai. Is your sister here? I think she might find a particular interest in my girlfriend, and I'd be willing to," he lowered his voice with each word before breaking out in a soft blush. "purchase."

  The brunette before the pair nodded and looked at ______. "Ah, she's so cute! Ayaka will love her. Wait inside, please!"

  The tiny girl slipped past them and ushered them into the traditional room and closed the doors in a hurry. While Hiroomi immediately sat down at the table, _____ nervously surveyed her surroundings.

  "H...Hiroomi," she began with a quiver in her voice. "Wh-Where are we?"

  He looked up and immediately shot up, taking her hands. He couldn't just let her look like a terrified pup, his heart immediately was aching at the sight. "You have nothing to fear. Even if you did, I would protect you with my life, _____. This place is, well. A three in one. A cafe and photo studio. And..."


  "A youmu appraisal shop. I take it your siblings take care of the money situation of the job. When you kill a youmu, you bring it to a place like this and they will pay you for the remains of it depending on its condition and worth."


  Hiroomi began to gently rub his thumbs over her knuckles. "Don't you trust you onii-chan?"

  _____ hesitated but took one look at the upperclassmen's face and melted. "Y..Yes, o-onii-chan."

  And, that was all it took for Hiroomi to be man down.


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