Tea for Two

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  Upon arriving to the small and quiet apartment complex, Hiroomi set ______ down. They both removed their shoes, Hiroomi letting ______ lead. She led him to the quaint kitchen unit that was just around the corner. Gathering all the necessary materials, ______ began to boil water to make tea.

  "Please, make yourself at home," she said softly, gesturing to the small side room attached to the kitchen. Hiroomi smiled as he adjusted his scarf, looking from the petite girl to the room. 

  "Thank you."

  Hiroomi sat down, tucking his knees under him, at the small wooden table. He let a sigh escape his lips as he took in his surroundings. It was a tiny apartment but it seemed like ______ was far from the only one that lived there. He took note of the pairs of shoes by the front door when the pair entered, as well as it seemed like there more rooms than necessary for just one person to be living alone. Remembering her Spirit World Warrior file that Mitsuki showed him before, she had no parents; so, there was no chance that parents were the other residents. Siblings were perhaps a more plausible candidate. Heck, maybe she currently is living with an aunt or grandparent.

  Ripping him from his decisive thinking was ______ setting down a tea cup before him gently. The green liquid steamed in the wooden cup and the smell wafted about the air. ______ elegantly sat down across from Hiroomi with her own cup and a soft blush upon her cheeks.

  "I hope you like it. O-Oh! But be careful please, it's p-piping hot currently."

  Hiroomi nodded with his warm smile. "Thank you, ______-chan." He paused for a moment, eyes refamiliarizing themselves with the plain, beige room. "You don't live all alone, do you?"

  _______ picked up her cup to softly blow on it in hopes of cooling it off a bit. "N-No. I live with my elder siblings. Th-They aren't here right now. I presume that my sister is out fighting, doing some form of m-mercenary work for the Spirit World. Meanwhile, my elder brother is bartending typically on this night. T-The earliest one will get back home would most likely be around t-ten, this evening."

  "Ten? Will you be alright by yourself, _______-chan?"

  She nodded softly after sipping her tea. "This is t-typical."

  Frowning, Hiroomi set down his cup. "I would be more than willing to keep you company until one of your siblings return."

  "Y-You don't n-need to! Th-That's too much to ask of you."

  "Please," Hiroomi chuckled upon seeing her panic. "it is the least I can do when you are getting a girl off of my back. I will stay with you until someone returns."

  _______ began sipping her tea nervously but nodded slowly in agreement. This would be quite the evening, and just when she believed she would be getting a breather from being around Hiroomi-senpai for so long.


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