Guanlin - Daddy

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hi guys!! It's my first Imagine❤ hope you like it

Guanlin PoV

my wife (y/n) is giving birth today to our first baby boy. i really cannot sleep because i keep on worrying if she's ok , did the baby survive or did the both of them survive?

it was middle of the night (y/n) gave birth. Outside of the room , I seated up and shaking and also prayed for my wife and son.

as I saw the docter came out of the room.

"is my wife okey? did the baby survive?" I asked him.

"yes..mister Lai..the both of them survive.. congratulations.." the docter said.

"jinjja! i'm going to be a father?" I was shocked.

He nodded.

"thank you very much.." I said as I bowed 90 degrees.

"you can now visit your wife..Mr.Lai.." the docter said as he leaved.

As I went in the room , I saw my wife holding our baby boy that i've been wanting to see and hold.

"g-guanlin.." my wife call me with her shaking voice.

"shhhh..don't say anything.." i said as i went near to her and kissed her forehead and our baby boys forehead.

your father and mother will be so happy.." the nurses said.

I smiled and nodded.

all the nurses , docters , pharmacist and staffs knows me because this hospital is owned by my mom.

as the nurses leaved i caressed the hair of my wife and comforted her to sleep because she might be so tired during her wife did everything to get our baby out of her womb and live happily in the world.

as (y/n) was asleep , i took the baby in her arms and put him in my arms and swayed him.

i really wanted to have a family and I have granted now my wish. i have a wife and a son and that builts a family.

"what should we name him." i asked myself.

"ahh..let's just wait for your mom.." i said.

he was so handsome..his nose resembles mine and the eyes and mouth resembles my wife.

i touched his small hands and kissed it. it was so soft and smooth just like the skin of my wife.

as I singed him a lullaby (just pretend guanlin can sing well) he falled asleep.

i put my son in the crib and kissed him one more time in the forehead.

i can now finally sleep comfortably because my wife and son are sleeping now comfortably.

i am now a dad so i will do anything for my wife and son , i will make them happy and protect them.

before I will go to sleep put blanket in her body and kissed her lips and her forehead.

"goodnight.." i said.

i slept to the couch and make myself feel comfortable.


as i woked up i saw my wife sitting up and reading an book.

i smiled her and stood up.

"good morning.." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"good morning.." she said as she put the book beside her.

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