boyfriend woojin❤

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•always bugging you to buy that toy he wants
•cute couple
•back hugs on public areas (he doesn't care so much in pda)
•your dates will be in abroad or overseas
•taking a picture of you if you aren't looking at him or you are sleeping
•wants to do your make up actually his great (is he a makeup artist?)
•goodnight kisses and morning kisses
•cuddle all day long like 24/7
•gets jealous if you aren't paying attention to him
•he cooks for you
•he never tried hurting you or your feelings
•he cannot take it anymore if he didn't see you
•calls you in the middle of the night and suggested you to go with him in the han river
•doesnt want you to go to the market or convenience store by yourself
•his REALLY o.v.e.r.p.r.o.t.e.c.t.i.v.e
•keeps on talking about having our future children
•never forgets to message you if you came home safely
•your his first love and your the one that makes his heart beats fast
•ties your hair or combs your hair
•you will teach him some girl group dances but he keeps on saying "your so cute at teaching! staph!!"
•whenever you need him he is always by your side

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