boyfriend minhyun❤

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•let you borrow his sweater because you look cute on it
•kisses you if he wanted to
•cook for him
•cuddles with him when he get home because he wants to spend time you
•kisses your forehead , cheeks and lips for you to wake up
•teaches you math but you ended up tired of solving
•lots of backhug
•loves it if you keep talking with him so that he could stare at your cherry lips.
•bugging you so that you'll go with him in the mall
•watch movie marathon with him but you both ended up falling asleep
•the both of you makes derp faces in your phone
•in your phone you have 399 pictures of him in one day
•if you had a problem and you are so stress about it he will just listen or massage you
•he likes it when you get mad at him he thinks it's cute but your so serious
•chases you after or follow you if you guys had a fight
•his the one that made you laugh and smile
•keeps on talking about what will his babies look like (such a dreamer)
•buys you things that you wanted
•you two are very very very sweet
•he keeps on hugging you
•dates at somewhere you both like
•him telling you how much he loves you that he couldn't help it if he won't see you.

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