boyfriend sungwoon❤

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•always teases you
•you both are the very hyper couple
•likes to buy you clothes
•keeps on babying you
•kisses you everytime he caught you staring at him
•"who do you love your teddy or me"
•"of course teddy"
•gets jealous easily
•stares at you when you are not looking
•just simple dates
•tells you if you wanna go downstairs at night !make sure you told him!
•the members got bored of him because his mouth is full "you" "(y/n) "my baby girl"
•you visit him in their practice and treat them starbucks frappe
•memorizes your order
•treats you ice cream if he loses the game you both played
•ponytails your hair
•every anniversary he buys you flowers , chocolates , expensive clothes and shoes
•"jagiya you don't have to buy such an expensive things.."
•"'s okey..besides that's showing my love for you"
•cheesy like as in cheesy jokes
•compose a song for you
•has a plant that only you can touch , water or keep it
•lays on your lap and stare at you
•takes you to everywhere you want to go
•500 i love you's everyday
•messages you if you eat or you went to bath
•derp faces
•your the only one that knows his phone password
•reminds you of how much he loves you that his thankful to your mother that she gave birth to you and exist cuz you were born to love and live happily with him

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