Jaehwan - Guitar

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(y/n) pov
it was my boyfriend jaehwan's birthday so i wanted to buy him some gift.

i called my best friend daehwi to help me find gift for jaehwan.

so i called him and he answered.

"daehwi-yah can you help me find gift for jaehwan since it's his birthday?" i asked him.

"sure (y/n)! just texted me where we meet!" he said as he hunged up.

"uhm.." i hummed.

so i texted daewhi where to meet and put on my simple make up.

i went out of the house and drove to the place where me and daehwi will meet.

as i get out of my car , i saw daehwi inside the cafe with his phone

i went in and called his name.

"daehwi-yah!" i called him and smiled.

he then smiled and waved his hands and seated near him.

"how are you?" i asked him as i ruffled his hair.

"yah! don't destroy my hair i just iron it.." he whined as he fixed his hair.

"your still whiney as ever.." i said as i playfully rolled my eyes.

he chuckled.

"speaking of jaehwan..what should we buy him?" i asked as i think of something.

"something like he likes? i mean girl why would you ask me your his girlfriend you should know about your boyfriend.." he said sassily.

"eish..you keep on complaining..that's why i called you to help me..duh.." i said as i flipped my hair.

"forget it! let just go." he said as we go out and went it to the mall.

"seriously..what should we buy him?" i asked myself and looking through the displays inside the mall.

"you know jaehwan-hyungs like music instruments right?" daehwi said.

"ah yeah! he likes them! come on let's check!" i said and pulled daehwi to the music store.

jihoon pov
it is jeahwan hyung's birthday so we went to the mall to buy gift for him.

"hyung..should we buy jaehwan hyung an..shoes or something like he likes?" i said.

"what about music instruments? he likes those.." daniel said.

"yeah! great idea! let's go!" i said and we went to the music store.

but surprisedly (y/n) was there too..with a boy..they seemed to have fun..is (y/n) cheating on jaehwan-hyung? or she is just here also to buy gift for jaehwan hyung.

but the both of them looks so sweet.

"yah..hyung is that (y/n)?" i said as i pointed (y/n).

the other members gasped.

"why is (y/n) here with a boy? did jaehwan hyung said that (y/n) will only go out with a boy unless we know him?" sungwoon hyung said.

we nodded.

"eyy..maybe it's just tell boy is helping (y/n).." guanlin said.

"daehwi-yah! what about this?" (y/n) called the boy and pointed a guitar.

the boy thumbs up (y/n) and they both high five.

"daehwi?" i whispered.

"yah! let's hide! she might see us!" i said as we hide behind the shelves and peeked.

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