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I groaned as I slowly massaged my eyes to help myself wake up and turn off my alarm. Gosh, I'm still sleepy... It's already 8 in the morning. I woke my two sisters up and as expected, it took me a few minutes. 

"Wake up!! You guys are going to be left inside the house if you don't wake up right now," I told them as I made my way to the comfort room.

"Already? We only slept for like 4 hours!" Levy said.

"Isn't your flight later in the afternoon?" Mika asked.

"Well, yeah... but we have to eat breakfast and we still have a show to attend to, remember?" I told them and they seemed to remember right away.

"Ah, the modelling show! I completely forgot," Mika groaned.

"Why the hell do we even have to attend that?" Levy asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Duh, we're the models?" 

"We're not even good at modelling!" they both said at the same time.

"Don't say that to me, you're both just getting lazy again so you're making up that excuse.. AGAIN. Why would we even be models for 3 freaking years if we're so bad at it?"

We've been trained since we were young and we already got used to modelling. We only attend when the show is very important though since we're still students and mind you, we don't walk in undies.

I would NEVER.. Walk on the runway with only a bra and a panty on.

"Aren't we going to be scolded for sleeping late?" Levy asked.

"Nah, it's not like they're not used to our eye bags anyway," I replied and we all laughed before taking a bath first and going downstairs to eat breakfast. As expected, there were foods on the table already.

"Good morning! Eat up, girls. You're going to need a lot of energy for later," mom said.

I groaned and pouted.

"Do we really have to meet your friends, and those fashion related people?"

"Yes besides, uncle Sai will be there! Isn't he yoir crush?"

"MOM!" I exclaimed in embarrassment as she and my friends laughed.

Okay, he's my crush but only just a little! He's hot, okay? I know that it's weird for me to say that but I kinda like him a lot. He owns a casino as well! I love it when I see him in a black suit and ties. He would look so manly and like a gentleman but most of all, his cold and savage attitude really attracts me. Like DAAAAAMN I AM A QUIET GUY BUT SUDDENLY I WILL COME UP WITH A SAVAGE MOVE AND SLOWLY KILL YOU.

Yes uncle Sai, please kill me with your love. WAAAAAH!

"KAAAAAAAI! WHAT THE?!" Mom shouted in front of me, startling my daydreaming self. I fake coughed and covered my face.

"Must be thinking of Sai again, ey!"

"Stop it, moooom."

"What, it's true!"

"Yes Kai. You were smiling at yourself while biting your lips," Mika added.

"Dirty thoughts?" Levy asked.



Levy, Mika, and I were at the backstage, getting our makeups done.

"What are you gonna wear, Alexandra?" one of the staff asked.

"The usual pants or leggings outfits."

I know that those kind of outfits are boring but there are really clothing collections for teens that are mostly leggings and pants and I always go for those since I'm very conservative. They also pick those kinds for me soo... I don't argue with them. Just kidding.

"As expected, but your mom wants you to wear a dress for today. She designed what you're going to be wearing today."

"Really? Then I guess that's okay as long as the dresses are long."

"Long, of course. Your mom knew that you don't like to show your legs. You two are really opposites. You're so boyish, you know?"

"Yes, I am very aware of that," I replied and we laughed.

The staff left to get my outfits for later so I grabbed my phone for a while to take a look at myself.

"Kaaai! Tell us what happened earlier already!" Levy demanded. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and smiled awkwardly.

"I'll just text you guys.."

Because there are like so many people inside the room we're in right now and I don't want them to hear what I'm gonna tell the girls.

"Okay then!"

What happened earlier in the morning was rare, dad woke up late that we were so close to being late for the event. I decided to wake him up while mom was calling aunt Dinah. What made him so tired that he woke up late today?

"You guys eat more, I'll just wake dad up," I told my bestfriends before leaving the table.

"Dad?" I softly spoke as I knocked on their door but I got no answer so I entered their room like I sometimes do when I have business to do there. I found dad covered with the sheets. I was about to laugh my ass off because he looked like a newborn chick with the wet hair and his body covered with the duvet but then he spoke.

"(your name), come here..."

Shoot, I'm doomed. Should I call mom? I rolled my eyes and walked towards their bed.

"Daddy, you have to wake up---"

"Calling me daddy in the morning, huh? What a-- Oh, A-alexandra..," he stuttered as he finally looked at me and sat up. I swore I heard him say 'fuck' or was it 'duck'? But seriously, he said FUCK when he saw that it wasn't mom in the room but me!

I wasn't uncomfortable because I know incest isn't dad's things if that's what your thinking. He's a very, very nice guy and would only look at my mother.

"Wow, you're so surprised when you saw me." I told him, a bit suspicious. Dang, I could feel my cheeks burning right now.

"N-no, I thought I was dreaming.."

Dreaming? But you were awake, dad. Suddenly, mom entered the room and her eyes widened for a split second.

"A-ah, thank you for waking your dad up. You can go down now, Kai."

When I went back to the table, the two raised their eyebrows.

"Kai, your face is so red!"

"Sorry... I'll tell you later."

I heard the two laugh as they read the text. They both looked at me and were about to say things but I glared at the both of them to stop them.

Really?! Omg girl, something freaky happened last night then.

We're not sure though, maybe something else happened.

Yeah.. But it was so suspicious though! I can't forget it.

Expect a baby sister or brother, Alexandra~

"Shut up, Mika."

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