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I couldn't even wear a dress, what more a gown THAT grand? Slowly, my tears started to fall from the corners of my eyes as I ran towards my bestfriends' dressing rooms. I didn't know where to go until I stumbled upon Levy's. Before I could open the door, a deep voice from behind startled me.


It was dad.

The anger and nervousness that I felt earlier seemed to vanish right away when I faced him. The look on his face was... normal. I'm guessing that mom already told him. 

"I don't want to," I sobbed as he hugged me.

"Your mom and I are always here to listen. Come to us when you're ready, okay?" he said as he brought out a handkerchief and wiped my tears with it carefully.

"I'm sorry for shouting."

"You shouldn't tell me that. You know who deserves that apology. You go talk to your friends. Your mom must be so sad right now. I'll go to her."

"Okay, dad."


"What?! You shouted at your mom?" Levy asked me, her mouth agape.


"But why?"

"I don't know. I guess I was scared, nervous, don't know."

"You don't know?" Mika exclaimed.

I nodded as I look at the floor below me. Embarrassed is an understatement. I'm so disappointed at myself for letting my feelings take over my actions. This is the first time that my mom and I had an argument. I can't believe I shouted at her for just a simple thing that I couldn't even do. For just one simple wish I couldn't grant for her. She must be feeling disappointed as well.

"I'm sure you do," Levy said.

"Yeah, you're just scared to tell her why," Mika added.

They are both now getting their make up fixed by themselves. While me? I don't know what to do! I don't even know how to do my own makeup since mom isn't so fond of them as well. So, she didn't have the chance to teach me but I guess that's good since I'm still young and I make bad decisions. 


Where are my manners? Dad and Mom worked so hard together so that they could raise me with good manners. What happened to me?

"Scared to tell her what?" I whispered to no one in particular.

"You know very well what we're talking about. You know what? You pick your clothes from your dressing room and come back here so we could work on your face," Levy said.

"What? I told you.. I don't want to wear the g--"

"Who told you that you're wearing THAT grand gown? You have no choice now but to wear the other one," she added and high-fived Mika.

"What are you talking about?" I asked them.

"That's what you get for losing your manners for a while," Mika teased.

"What did I get?"

"No texts from your mom," Mika said and then she laughed with Levy.

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