Own it

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"You did great!" Levy squealed as she eyed me up and down with a proud smile.

"If you weren't a girl, I'd have a crush on you already," Mika mumbled.

"Hn," I mumbled as I smiled a bit.

I'm glad that Sara has left already before they came to me or else, it'd be chaos. Mom always told me to fight for my rights but I just don't want to hurt other people. I'm sure Sara will realize her mistakes in the future, right?

I'm just happy that I have my friends with me. I can't imagine my life without them. They always cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down. I guess I took after dad's silent self but with mom's passion for her dream and these friends? They keep me balanced. 

"Let's change into some more comfortable clothes before meeting the guests," Mika said.

"Okay," Levy answered while I just nodded.

I ended up changing into skinny leather pants and an off-shoulder strap. Mika chose to wear a skirt and a tank top. Levy wore a tight-fitting red backless dress. I expected the differences in our clothing styles as it's also based on our personalities. By the way, Levy's the lady in our group. She's so daring. Mika's the middle one while me, you already know.

We were heading to the reception hall when I bumped into someone causing them to bow and apologize but when I heard the voice of the person, I was immediately stunned. Mika and Levy seemed to sense the nervousness in me as they signaled that they'd go to the said venue earlier than me.

"I'm so proud of you," the person spoke with a beaming smile.

"Thank you, mom," I answered with a slightly shaking voice. I meant what I said but I'm still guilty for hurting her feelings. She never once raised her voice when talking to me purposely but I'm the one who did that.

"It's okay, Kai. I forgave you already... if you're still thinking about what happened. You're already thinking about personal things but I added more to worry about--"

"No, mom. I'm sorry. You raised me well. I gave you a lot of headaches and things to worry about since the moment I came but you never got mad at me for that. I'm really sorry for my mistake. I won't do it again," I said softly before hugging her which she returned.

"They might all be beautiful but to me, you'll always be the most beautiful of them all. I love you."

"Me, too..."

After the sweet reconciling moment with my mom, I headed to the reception to search for my friends and greet people but most importantly, to eat food. I was chewing on my marshmallows that I placed inside a paper bag, on my way to find an empty table when I was called out.

"Kai," the sweet but dangerous voice of a person called.

Of course, I already knew who it was. I rarely see him but that makes me want to cherish what I can remember about him more. I turned to look at the source of the voice and walked towards them.

"This is Kai, the future heir of everything Uchiha related. Kai, franchisers of your mom's clothing line," Uncle Sai introduced.

"Good afternoon! I'm Kai Uchiha."

I smiled at all of them and bowed. They all looked kind of shocked when they saw me and I didn't know why. Maybe they're disappointed?

"She's such a beauty, my gosh," I heard someone say in a different language but I understood it.

"She's the outstanding one earlier on stage! I'm sorry but at first, you looked really out of the concept since all the other models in the same collection had smiles on their faces right from the start to express the lively mood of the pieces they wore but you... Wow! I'm speechless. You walked out looking like you were wandering around but as you kept on walking, you just seemed so alive. T-that smile that almost looked like a smirk. So powerful! I didn't know but there was fierceness as well as enjoyment in your eyes along with the liveliness," one guy spoke in a swift manner that made all the others chuckle a bit including me.

"Thank you!"

"You basically owned the stage, little one. Just like your mom," another added.

"By the way, I'm also a director and a manager back in the States so if you ever want to start a career there, I'd gladly be your nanny," the guy earlier said again.

"Actually, we're moving there soon. I'll make sure to contact you," I replied to him and he busted the widest smile and bowed to me a couple of times causing me to get embarrassed.

I'm not really used to getting praises especially these kinds. Aside from the fact that I never really got to talk to other business partners this much before, I was also always trying to escape from talking to others since I get very anxious quickly. Maybe Uncle Sai standing beside me gave me a bit of pride.

"This is a miracle, dear! Thank you!"

"It's my pleasure. Excuse me, I'm going to go find my friends for now. Thank you again! Uncle Sai, I'll go now," I said and bowed down and received a smile from him before leaving.

His smile is so cute, my gosh! To clear things out, I'm not planning to marry or date him in the least. He's just sort of my ideal type aside from my own dad. I mean, it'll be better to fangirl over dad's handsome guy bestfriends instead of fangirling over my own dad. That'd be so weird.

Nonetheless, receiving those happy and blooming words from the people earlier made my heart ache in a good way. I feel like I never want to stop walking on the runway right now. My body is yearning for the stage and the cameras. Not the attention but just the feeling of being free when I'm up there... It feels so good!

"Already had high hopes after hearing their lies?" Sara showed up in front of me again.


I was about to leave when she grabbed my arm and made me face her again.

"Don't be so full of yourself, Alexandra. Remember what I said earlier. Also, they told me the same thing so you're not the only one who got the praises. You'll always be a thousand steps behind me," she whispered to me with a satisfied chuckle at the end before leaving me there, hopelessly frozen on the spot.

Maybe she's right. For now, I might be behind her but that's because she made me hate myself. I'll try my best to ignore her from now on. I'm so fed up with her being full of herself and her conceited words. I don't want the drama. I just want the stage and someday, I'm going to own it. 

Hi, I'm K.A.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora