The Show

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After that short and annoying talk with the girls, we were called to  get our outfits from our own backstage rooms. I was really expecting to wear some pants and leggings for my bottom clothing but I guess dresses are my friends today. I'm quite nervous since this is the first time that I'm wearing a dress.

I mean it!

I made a very special request to the company when I was only 5 years old, and that is to never make me wear a dress or a very girly outfit. Unless, today's a very important event. Why does it seem like I know nothing about today's event. We just had a meeting a week ago.

Because of that request, I was only told to wear some really cool outfits even though they're a bit simple. For example, really stylish leggings with some mesh design paired with some sneakers with hidden wedges and a cropped long sleeve jacket. That's also why I'm closer to the girls who model sportswear and very girl crush concept outfits than those who model gowns, dresses, and other girly things. Specifically, my two bestfriends. That's just how the modelling goes for every event. Models are separated according to the theme of what they're gonna wear.

We also showcase lots of clothing for different kinds of events. Sometimes, we showcase mixed outfits like sportswear, gowns, party outfits, etc. all in one event but most of the time, we have this general theme that becomes the basis of what the models will wear for that event. It's a bit hard to explain but you'll see. I forgot to say that today's event is the one with a general theme. I just remembered right now and I feel stupid for telling my friends that I'll be wearing the usual non-girly outfits for today when in fact, today's theme is a bit girly. 

Okay.. maybe too girly.

I am now staring wide-eyed at a pink umbrella-cut ballroom or balloon style gown with flower designs and prints. Also, it's an off-shoulder one where a piece of cloth will be hanging down my upper arms when I lift them. The front part is also a bit low, I don't have humongous chest but still, I don't like this.

"THAT GOWN?!" I whisper-shouted to myself when I saw what I'll be wearing for today.

"Yes, Ms. Uchiha," one of the staff replied to me.

"A-ah, I'm sorry for shouting. I wasn't shouting at you though. It's just that, this... I thought that I'll be wearing a long dress. Not a GOWN!"

"Change of plans were made earlier since your mom finally finished a certain design that she wants you to wear. It was prepared originally for other models since we thought you're not going to be with the girls with the girly kind of clothing concepts."

"Are you not mistaken? A-am I really going to wear that gown?" I asked once again.

My mouth fell agape and the feeling was unexplainable. I don't know why but I'm so angry right now. I feel like I just want to grab something sharp and start tearing that gown apart. I hate it. I'm not a princess to be wearing that kind of gown. I mean, it's nice and I don't want to disappoint but... NO.

"Yes, that's exactly what you're going to wear."

"I wasted my time fixing my makeup for this? I woke up early for this? I don't like it. No."

"But your mom--"

"Could you please tell my mom that I'm having my panic attacks again?" I asked kindly and the staff hurriedly ran out of my dressing room.

Okay, she believed that? Do I look like I'm really having attacks?

Wait, now I feel terrible. What am I going to say to mom? That I don't like this dre- I mean, GOWN? That it's long enough but I just don't like the front part? BUT I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL. I don't like the way the flowers were carefully put on the stomach to shoulder part. I don't like the way the gown looks under the dim light. I don't like the image forming inside my head.

I don't want to see me wearing that in real life. Destroying my mind by imagining it is enough.

"KAI?! What's happening to you?" mom asked while running towards me in full speed. I was startled when she shouted my name.

"Calm down. Do I look like I'm having attacks?!" I unintentionally shouted back.

I could tell that she was shocked by my sudden outburst. This is my first time shouting at her. My dad's going to whip my butt for doing this. Suddenly, my mom stood up straight and raised one of her eyebrows.

"Tell me what's happeni--"

"I don't... I don't want to wear that thing," I cut her off.


"You know I don't like wearing dresses."

"But that's a GOWN. It's so long that you can even trip while walking--"

"I know it's a gown! I know it's long--!"

"What is your problem?! You've never shouted at me like this before. You never cut me off while I'm talking. Kai Alexandra Uchiha, what is wrong with you?" she angrily asked me.

I scoffed and started breathing heavily. I don't know where this is going. I also don't know why my mouth isn't stopping. 

"There's nothing wrong with me. What about you? What's wrong with you? Look, mom, let's just end this. I don't want to say more bad things to you."

I was dumbfounded when she suddenly hugged me. I knitted my eyebrows together and softly pushed her away. I don't like being treated like a kid. 

"Just tell other models to wear that. I don't want that thing--"

"But it's made for an Uchiha like you... Kai, please tell me what's wrong."

"I don't.. I don't know, okay?! Why don't you just leave?! You're stressing me out when in fact, I should be relaxing before the flight later on. If you badly want an Uchiha to wear it, then YOU wear it since you seem to love that creation so much."

I rolled my eyes at her and stomped angrily towards the door. I left her looking pitiful inside my dressing room. 

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