Someone new

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"So, did you guys click?" Mika asked immediately after Satoshi left. I agreed with him in the end only because he's really persistent. We walked to the parking lot together and now, here I am.

"What's that?" I asked her back.

"You don't know?"

"Who made you mad? Why are you asking me obvious questions?" I replied, imitating what she told me earlier.

"It's a slang, Lexa-chan. Did you two get along well?" Levy explained with a teasing smile.

I sighed.

I guess so? We didn't fight or anything.

I only nodded at her as my reply.

"Are we walking home or not? It's getting late. Besides, Alexandra here has a 'study session' with Satoshi tomorrow--"

"Mika, shh! I don't even know if it's going to be tomorrow," I cut her off.

"Calm down! You look like you're going to explode."

"I might... if you keep on teasing me like that. Stop it."

"Ugh, fine!"


Once I reached my house, I emptied my school bag and cleaned it out before putting everything back in. I don't know why I always have stray papers in there. It's not like I'm the one putting all the papers since I'm literally beside the trashcan in the classroom. I can just throw there directly. Maybe, the naughty guys in the class are the ones doing it. 

"Kai, how's school? Have you made new friends? Half of the school year has passed already," Mom inquired, head peeking from my bedroom door.

"I guess so, and I do make friends, Mom. I'm just very picky when it comes to who I hangout with," I reasoned.

"I completely understand. It's okay to have only a few friends. At least, they're real. By the way, are you sure you don't want to model in this country? We have Japanese business partners here and they want to feature you."

She walked in and sat on the bed, the automatic sliding door closing behind her. I giggled and turned to look at her as I was sitting on the floor.

"I'll think of it. I really want to enjoy this new country first though. Plus, you might change my school if my career goes well, hehe."

"I might. It's your father's idea though since you need a less stressful environment if things go really well in your career. We might even consider homeschooling you."

"I'd actually like that but let's save that idea for the future. I'm completely fine with my school right now--"

*kriiiiing* *kriiiing*

Eh? We just got home. Why are they calling me on the phone already?

"Mom, can you please answer it for me?" I asked since my phone's on the bed.

"Sure-- Good evening! Who am I speaking to?  Yes, she's availab... Actually, she's fixing her things. Tomorrow? Kai, are you free tomorrow? Yes, she said she is. I see. I guess we'll see you tomorrow. No, it won't be a bother. Okay, see you."

I looked at her with a confused face after I listened to the conversation. She spoke as if she's in her office and someone important is on the other line. 

"It wasn't Mika or Levy?" I asked.

I almost knocked my lunchbox over when mom suddenly started to laugh.

"Satoshi? Hmm..."

"How did he know my number?" I asked to no one in particular.

"You didn't know he'd call? Is he the new friend? He said that he'll wait for the details. What details? Also, he said he'd pick you up--"

"Mom, he doesn't know where I live. I just met him today. I don't know why he's so ecstatic about everything."

"That's the first time that someone called you aside from the girls and your family. So, where will you guys meet? I mean, I should know so I can at least prepare something for you and for him."

"The library? We're just going to study since it's the weekend."

"Which library?"

"The one near the school?"

"Why not the one in the company?"

"Um, okay. Free food it is."

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