
17 1 0

After a year in the states...


"You've become a lot tomboyish now!" Mika teased me for the millionth time. She's been mentioning that ever since the moment we all got together in this country which was last year. I really don't know but I guess what that Sara girl told me had a great impact on how I viewed myself, especially now. 

I don't think I'm that confident anymore. I haven't even planned on continuing my modeling career yet. I don't feel like embarrassing myself again in a foreign country. I'm also not just going to be making a fool of myself, but also our family name. 

"Yeah, you won't get a boyfriend if you're like that," Levy added.

I quirked my eyebrows at her.

"Your opinions don't matter to me. Besides, your knowledge about what you're talking about is very limited, I must say," I told them.

"Woah, burned, toasted, ashes!" Mika murmured as she started acting like she just got stabbed.


After lunchbreak, I decided to go back to the classroom. We're all currently studying in an international high school. I've gained some new friends but decided to keep them out of my personal life, unlike Levy and Mika. It's because trust should not easily be given. Besides, I already have the two so I don't need more.


I suddenly bumped onto someone but it didn't hurt. At least for me, it didn't. I don't know about the guy who's sprawled over the floor in front of me right now. 

"I'm sorry," I murmured, watching him stand up by himself.

"T-the heck? You're a lot stronger than you look!" he replied.

Out of nowhere, laughter was heard in the background. I'm guessing that's his friends. This guy's very familiar because I always see him with Levy. Not that I mind, I'm in a different class than them anyway. He has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, a cute button nose, and he's tall. That's all that I noticed about him. He's about 4 inches taller than me, I think.

"This is why you don't judge by appearances. I'm sure it's not me that made you fall anyway--"

"Well, you could be the one to make me fall... if you want," he cut me off with a playful smirk.


I inhaled sharply after hearing the crowd and poked cheeks using my tongue as a sign that I'm annoyed. I'm beyond annoyed! I decided to just walk past him before we get surrounded by more people. 

I just don't want any trouble.

"H-hey, wait!" someone grabbed my arm, probably the guy and made me face him.


"You're Alexandra, right? I-I saw you in Japan. The modeling event? I forgot what it was called but my father brought me with him so--"

"It's almost the start of my class. Enough with the story already."

"Teach me how to study! Onegaishimasu!"

I stared at him dumbfoundedly while his friends continued to snicker from afar. Is this some kind of a bet? A joke? Because I'm not falling for it!

"Sorry, you can ask Levy to do it for you. We have different schedules--"

"I can reschedule for you. Just please teach--"

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