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I guess I could say I never really liked my smile, not anymore than the average teen does I guess. But ever since he became the center of my affection I've been having to deal with smiling a whole lot more than I used to. It's not really a big deal compared to all the other things I've been having to deal with lately, he makes me feel so self conscious, I hate it. He doesn't mean to but he is the reason I want to laugh one minute and die the next. There's no way to describe it really.

Crazy, wonderful, overwhelming,


"HARLEY WAKE UP, YOURE GOING TO MISS THE BUS." I heard my mom yell from somewhere beyond my room.

I groaned in response, as I'm incapable of conversation this early in the morning.
Once I could think clearly I switched on my lamp and slid out of bed.
I have an alarm clock but I tend to hit the snooze button enough times for it to get the message and shut up.
I went into the bathroom and brushed my wavy brown hair. As I ran my fingers through it I noticed that my summer highlights had started to appear. "Will he like them?" I wondered but then quickly scolded myself for thinking I needed his approval.

At school

Math had begun and I watched him walk through the door and take a seat next to this guy named Connor.

I looked over at jake who was already smirking at me. I laughed because even though I hadn't spoken a word about it She already knew that I liked him.

Jake had been my best friend since sixth grade and I could tell her anything. Jake had blonde hair and light blue eyes. She was the type of person who you had to really know in order to understand. We had the type of friendship where we could communicate through body language and that was often the cause of random outburst of laughter during classes.

Today was the beginning of a new quarter so we were getting our seats changed. We lined up against the back wall and awaited our placements.

I listened our teacher list several students before I heard mine.

"Harley, you'll go here" she pointed to a desk in on the left side of the room next to the door.

"Nice, I'll have an easy escape incase I'm about to die of boredom."

I smirked at my ability to hate math on such a level and took my seat.

More names.

Then one sticks out to me.

His name.

I was secretly hoping that the small chance of him being placed next to me would come into action, But I again found myself telling my brain to be quiet.

I guess my hoping wasn't for nothing after all because the next thing I know I went ridged as he passed behind me and took a seat in the desk next to mine.

I looked over at him and my blue eyes met his deep, dark, and beautiful brown gaze.

I guess he saw how tense I was because he gave me a weird look.

"Way ta go, idiot. It's only been a half an hour and you've already scared him off " I chastised myself.

I was so embarrassed, and I knew I shouldn't be, but I couldn't help it, and that's what I hated. He could control me like that without even trying. I didn't want to be controlled, much less by someone who didn't even know they were doing it.

This is the start of something new
~ Harls

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