S e v e n t e e n

49 7 3

it was lunch time and I was still feeling the tingly marks coming from where Aiden had hugged me earlier that day. I took my regular seat across from Jake, Veronica, and Cait with Cameron on my left and Aiden on my right.

"Hey Harley." Cam said as he came in for a fist bump.

"Sup Cam." I said as our fists collided.

"When Alyson gets here would you mind scooting down?" He tried to ask nonchalantly but I could see the reddish tints replacing his honey colored cheeks.

"Yeah, sure." I said laughing at him, I knew what was going on.

"Thanks Harley." He said looking away.

I turned my attention to my friends across from me who had been quietly discussing something.

"Hey guys." I said trying to get their attention.

all of them except Veronica looked over.

"Why are you all so quiet?" I asked laughing awkwardly.

I felt Aiden's arm slip under the table to grab my hand.

I looked up at him and was surprised to see hints of sadness running through his usual confident, happy glow.

Cait spoke first. "Veronica just told us Shes moving."

I'm pretty sure I went numb because the next couple sentences should have felt like stab wounds.

I directed my gaze towards Veronica who had her head rested on her arms, wearing a black expression. Connor, who looked like a hurt puppy was drawing swirls onto her back as he rested his hand on her. Her seemingly never fading smile had vanished into a straight line marking the spot where Teeth once shined.

"V, are you being serious?" I asked.

She nodded her head. "I'll be moving to Florida in a month because my dad got a new job offer there. I'm not going to know anyone and it'll be in the very end of the school year." She said it quietly but I could still hear the sadness in her tone.

I was about to say something but just then Allyson appeared behind Cameron.

I remembered what Cam had said and scooted closer to Aiden.

Aiden looked down at me and I realized that his eyes had morphed into their signature state of being unreadable.

Allyson looked at Veronica "did you tell them?" She said as she took her seat next to Cam.

V nodded.

We were quiet until Allyson spoke.

"We should have a going away party." She said, knowing that a good party always cheered Veronica up.

"I can host it." I piped in

"I can help host." Aiden said, with a lick of confidence returning in his voice.

Veronica looked up at us for the first time. "Thanks guys, but I'm not in the mood for a party."

"Shut up, we're throwing you a party and I will bring the food." Cait said sternly.

Veronica was still placid as she took a bite of the apple she had been staring at for the past 5 minutes.

"I will bring the cups and plates and whatever." Jake added.

"Cam and I will be on movie duty" Allyson said with a smirk and winking at Cameron.

I laughed as Cams eyes widened and he blushed, similar to what happens to me when Aiden does either of those things.

I watched as the kid, Noah, from my class pranced down the isles between tables before speaking again. "So what's the date?"

"Is this weekend good?" Allyson directed the question towards Veronica.

"I don't care, that's fine with me." She said still eating her apple.

"It's a date" Cait said.

"Thank you guys" Veronica said letting her voice waver for a second before pulling it together.

"Veronica, don't worry about it. You'll make new friends and everything will be fine." Aiden said trying to soothe his friend.

I understood that Veronica was basically one of his best friends way before I came into the picture and that he was just trying to make her feel better, but I couldn't help but stiffen up as I heard him comforting her.

He probably sensed that because he snuck his arm around my waist as he leaned down to whisper to me.

"If you're worried about competition, Harls, I suggest putting those thoughts aside because you've already won."

He pulled away and squeezed my waist before returning to the group conversation.

I smiled and leaned into him but my eyes got wider as I realized that Aiden helping to host the party meant he would have to come to my house early to help set up.

That smooth little shit got me again.

hey guys this is short but I needed it to lead into the next update and stuff. ~ Harls

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