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I walked over to Cameron, I hoped it wouldn't be awkward because no one had brought up the kiss since it happened. I set down my tray and He scooted over to make room for me on the bench. Connor, Veronica, jake, and Cait sat across from me.

Cameron took the apple off my plate and bit it. I slapped his arm because that was the only thing that actually looked edible among the other "food" products the lunch lady had piled onto my plate. He then held his hand up for a fist bump and smiled when I jokingly refused.

Cait, Jake, and Veronica eyed Cam.

"HEY AIDEN!" Veronica yelled from across the cafeteria, giving me a mischievous smile.

Oh god.

Veronica waved her hand and beckoned him to come and sit with us.

Cameron looked at her and then to me but didn't protest.

Aiden left his group of friends and took a seat between me and Cam.

"Hey Cameron." He said as he pushed him over to make room.

"Hi Aiden." Cam said sounding annoyed.

Veronica, Jake, and Cait snickered as they watched.

"What did you want Veronica." Aiden said breaking the eye contact him and Cameron had been holding.

"Nothing, I just wanted you to sit with us."she said smiling at me.

Aiden looked over at but said nothing.

He smiled as he sat. His smile was so cute.

I guess Veronica had seen me melt when he smiled at me because she started laughing.

I tried to slow my breathing and tried not to focus In the feeling of his side on mine.

Connor put his arm around veronica and he snatched a fry off her plate.

"You guys are gross" i said laughing. But let's be real I didn't mean it because they were honestly goals.

Lunch ended and once again I was left to my thoughts.

I had just eaten lunch with him.

That's a step in the right direction.

Call me lame but him smiling at me was the highlight of my day.

I know he probably didn't like me but I adored him anyway.

I was already his and I didn't know how to change that.

One part of me is so completely willing to give him anything he asks for and the other part is telling me to stop acting like you want to curl up at his feet and purr and start being the confident, independent bitch you were before you're hormones decided to latch on to him with the death grip.

But who cares because either way I was going down. It was just a matter of deciding how I was gonna do it.

Hi hi hi

as I was writing this I kept smelling tea and I'm the only one home right now so idk where it's coming from. Let's hope it's bc I'm being haunted by a cute British guy.

~ Harls

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