T h i r t e e n

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Seeing as how I had been in an emotional turmoil ever since the party me and jake had decided it was necessary to schedule a good ol' cheeto talk ASAP.

ASAP meaning the Sunday after Veronica's party.

Me and jake sat across from each other on my bed with a bowl of Cheetos in between.

"So what's up buddy?" She asked crunching a Cheeto.

I was silent for a moment as I thought of where to start.

I decided to begin with the STD incident, in turn making her laugh.

Her laughter faded and her eyes widened as I told her about him reaching for my hand and telling me to come closer. When I got to the part where I actually moved closer to him she began to flail her arms and yell "YOU TWO CUDDLED WHAT THE SHRIMP THAT IS ADORABLE."

I shushed her so I could continue to summarize the night. I told her about cams apology and how I was glad that he and Alyson had maybe started to develop "a thing".

Once i was done I looked down at the comforter beneath us and counted the polkadots that littered the surface waiting for her response.

"This is great Harley, why are you so down about it?" She said grabbing some more Cheetos.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy because I'm like 99% sure he likes me and that makes me want to scream...but I'm also really worried because If something were to happen and we were to...split..I don't think i'd be able to handle that." As I ended the sentence my voice was barely a whisper.

"I understand, but if you really like someone you have to be willing to take those risks and run head first into whatever faces you with trust that the other person will be there to catch you if you fall." Jake said passionately.

"Wow, jake. Where'd that come from..." I said looking up from the dots.

"I..uh..don't really know to be honest." She said inspecting a cheeto.

I began reciting a quote that popped into my mind.

"I believe that some people are destined to meet. They hold a piece of one another to break, to mend, to transforming order to become the people they need to be. They are meant to alter the course of each others lives. Like a ticking time bomb their souls call one another waiting; wanting to be found. No matter where they stand on the globe, the energy that binds them together pulls. until they are undeniably close. Until they inevitably meet."

I looked back up to jake who sat there staring at me. "Did you...make that up?" She said.

"No, I saw it somewhere but I forget where exactly...." I replied trying to recall.

"Oh, well I like that." Jake said as she got out her phone.

"Hey, sorry Harley I have to bolt. I have soccer in the morning and I gotta go to bed early." Jake said as she gathered herself.

"Okay, good luck." I said looking at the nearly empty bowl of Cheetos in front of me.

"text me!" Jake called as she shut the door behind her.

And with that I was left alone with my emotions.

I looked at the clock

6:00 pm

I laid back into my pillows and tried to replay they party in full detail. I remembered what it was like to have his arm around my back and to watch his face light up when he laughed and to feel at peace with the feelings inside me.

In my minds eye I envisioned his smile.

Sometimes you meet someone and even though you never really liked brown eyes before, their eyes become your new favorite color.

Yo..it's 3am and I ain't even gonna try to sleep so whaddup.


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