E i g h t e e n

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After a long week of begging my parents to let me host this party, attempting to console Veronica, and learning how to keep from melting under the heat of Aiden's touch, the weekend had arrived.

It was Saturday morning and the party started at 4:00 pm.

I lazily slid out of my bed and went about the morning in a zombie-like state.

I entered the bathroom and cringed at the sight of the messy haired beast staring at me through the mirror.

I got my brush off the counter and ran it through my hair.

As set it down I reached for my phone which was plugged into an outlet by the towel rack.

Aiden had texted me an hour ago.

I should really wake up earlier

Aiden: good morning Harls, I hope you're as excited as I am to set up this party. What time should I be over?

As I read it I felt my cheeks flush with color.

I replied immediately

Me: Good morning, Aiden and 1:00 should be fine.

It was about 11:30 am so I had a little time before he would be here.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face trying to hide any signs of sleep.

Once I was done I went out to the kitchen to make breakfast for myself.

"Harley what time should we be expecting guests?" My mom asked as she busied herself with something in the sink.

As I poured my bowl of cereal I tried to find a way to word the fact that a cute boy would be over soon to help me prepare for the party. I couldn't think of a decent way to tell her so I just came out and said it.

"Well, I told Aiden to be over at one to help set up and I told the rest to be over at four." I shrunk down into my seat because I could tell what she was going to ask next.

She turned around to face me with a smirk the size of Texas.

"Who is Aiden?" She said raising her eyebrows to complete the classic suggestive look.

My head fell into my hands and I laughed because I knew there was no way she was gonna stay calm about this.

"A guy from school. He's good friends with Veronica." I said as I swallowed a bite of cereal.

She turned back around to face the sink.

"Sure, okay. You two have fun "setting up" I'll be at the store "buying groceries" when I get home I better not find any drugs."

As if that's the worst we could do

She sounded far from convinced but that's as good as I was gonna get from her.

I laughed and finished my cereal as she dried off her hands and grabbed her purse from the counter.

She took one last look at me before walking out the door. "I'm serious."

And once again I was left alone with my emotions.

My phone buzzed

Aiden: sounds good. I'll be there at 1:02 so I can be considered "fashionably late"

Me: dork.

Aiden: that sounds familiar

I laughed as I put my bowl in the sink and headed back to my room.

I decided that it might be a good idea to change out of my pajamas before my friends got here so I began rummaging through my closet in search of something to wear.

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