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Camerons pov:

There's a weird pleasure in loving someone who doesn't love you back.

I can't exactly explain it. But when I kissed her, She didn't seem to feel anything, so I got to keep all the butterflies for myself.

I know she has feelings for Aiden. I also know he has them for her too. I wish I could change that, and I could try, but in the end all I really want is for her to be happy. Even if I'm not the reason she feels that way.

Even if all we'll ever be is friends, I'll still take that.

As I sit here watching her fall for another boy, I've come to realize that we all eventually find our person. It's just a matter of waiting, and for her i'd wait a life time.

Idk what this is. I'm Probs not gonna update again today but I'll try for tommorow.

~ Harls

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