T w e l v e

85 6 2

Believe me, the last thing I wanted to do was leave Aiden's side. It was warm and it smelled good and it was comforting and it was amazing in general and it's exactly what I've wanted for what felt like so long now.... But that's not the point.

Cameron was sitting in the corner like a hurt puppy talking to Allyson and if I wasn't going over there for Cameron's sake I should at least go over there to relieve Allyson from puppy duty.

I looked back up at Aiden who had seen me looking over at Cameron. I guess he knew what I was going to do because his smile faded for a second before returning to its usual confident slant.

"I'm going to go talk to cam, for a minute." I said uncurling from his grasp.

I smiled and added "I'll be right back."

He pulled his hand out from behind my back and I could feel the warmth leaving my skin where his arm once rested. "You better." He smirked.

"That is not okay." I said in a extremely serious tone.

"What did I do?" He responded looking genuinely confused.

"That smirk thing you just did, if you want me to be able to think straight around you. I suggest you never do that again."

I watched a grin replace the concern on his face as I continued to scold him.

"Duly noted." He replied in mock seriousness.

I walked over to cams spot on the couch opposite ours. His caramel hair and honey eyes reflected the light that emanated from the screen. As I say Allyson somewhat reluctantly got up and I took her spot.

His eyes followed her before looking over to me.

"Hey, cam." I said happily.

"Hey Harley, you and Aiden were gettin pretty serious over there." He said winking.

"Oh my god, you creep." I said laughing and lightly punching his arm.

He smiled back and hesitated before continuing, his eyes brushing over my face

"look, I'm sorry Harley, for kissing you in the hall the other day...I didn't mean to shock you or anything...I wasn't thinking and I'm honestly sorry."

I was surprised by his apology, I thought it was going to be one of those things that we pretended didn't happen, like Drake the rapper being in that episode of degrassi that one time.

"It's okay cam." I said smiling sympathetically.

"On another note, I saw you and Allyson talking over here earlier." I smirked and winked at him like he did me.

He blushed

"oh, um no haha. we're just friends."

"Yep, of corse you are, Silly me." I rolled my eyes at him.

I saw Allyson looking over at us and figured I better return back to Aiden.

"Okay, imma go now." I said still looking at Allyson.

"Oh, okay, go get back to your man now." He said laughing

I returned to my seat next to Aiden. I wasn't sure if I should sit close to him again or stay where I was so I sat there awkwardly.

"Why are you so far away." He said smirking.

"I thought it told you not to do that." I said looking at his lips.

"You did, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to you." He held his arm out as a signal for me to move closer.

I was extremely glad he did that because it was kinda sorta killing me not to be by his side again.

I moved back into the position I was in before I got up.

He slid his arm between the couch and my back and I leaned into his side resting my head on his chest.

I involuntarily took a deep breath and let it back out as a sigh. My eyes widened as I felt him look down at me.

Oh god that was really creepy.

I looked up to find him smiling in amusement.

"Did you just sniff me?" He said beginning to laugh.

I blushed and stammered out "uh...no....I mean, I guess...sorry...you smell really good..."

"It's okay, Harls. I'm used to people sniffing me by now."

He laughed at my inability to control myself around him and I tried to smile through the embarrassment.

I inwardly groaned.

At that moment I received a text from my dad asking when he should pick me up.

Let's be real here, I was sitting there folded into a cute boys side that not only flirted with me occasionally but also looked extremely good while doing it, the furthest thing from my mind at that point was leaving.

I was tempted to reply with "no thanks, I'm cool with staying here." but I knew the party ended at 11 and it was already 10:50.

So for the last 10 minutes of the party I spent my time exactly the way I wanted to, memorizing the way his skin felt on mine and attempting not to fall asleep in his arms.

hi guys thanks for 300 reads, enjoy. My wifi irl has been pretty crappy lately so that's why I haven't been updating but it's better now so ayeeeee.

~ Harls

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