F i f t e e n

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Jake and Cait sat across from me and Veronica in science. I had already told them about my after school plans and they all laughed at me because as I was telling them about how nervous I was Aiden had walked by to sharpen his pencil and I almost choked on my spit.

"That's really cute. When's the wedding?" Cait said scribbling on her papers.

"I call flower girl!" Jake added.

Veronica shook her head at the two then said "common' guys, you both know that there's not gonna be a wedding until at least one of the two dingus's gets enough balls to actually make it official."

I removed my gaze from Aiden and looked at the three. "You all are idiots."

"Means a lot Harley." Said Jake.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the wall clock to our right.


5 minutes until school let out.

The teacher announced that it was time to shut down the computers and such.

As I gathered my things I glanced over to Aiden who seemed perfectly fine and completely unconcerned by the fact that we would be on a date in less than a minute.

The bell finally rang and Jake, Cait, Veronica, and I filed out of the class Into the already busy hallways.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my bag before trying to exit the crowded hall with Jake at my side.

I watched as teachers stood at the doors attempting to direct us in an orderly fashion as they did every day.

Once we made it out the hall and onto the bus ramp we met up with Veronica and Cait who had already gathered outside of their bus.

We stood in a group talking about how Noah ate a pencil during history today until Aiden came over to meet me.

I guess they took that as their cue to leave because they began walking away to the awaiting busses.

"good luck, Harley." Jake whispered jokingly before catching up to Veronica.

I watched the busses and cars pull away before turning to Aiden.

"Who ate a pencil?" Aiden said looking concerned.

"Noah from our class....you were there." I said laughing.

"I must have been in the bathroom or something, Ready?" He asked?

"Sure thing, Aids." I said pulling my bag to my shoulder.

He took my hand and we begun walking out of the parking lot.

I never really liked holding hands with people because I always felt tied down. I felt connected to something and I didn't like not being able to use both hands.
But for some reason I didn't mind holding his hand. It felt good being connected to him.

Aiden stopped along the road to pick up a penny.

"Heads." he stated, proudly offering it to me.

"Thanks, I'll use it to pay for my drink." I said chuckling.

"I'm probably not going to get anything." He said as he started to walk again.

"Why not?" I inquired.

"I get weird on caffeine. It makes me all jumpy and I don't like it." He said looking up to watch the leaves flutter amongst the trees.

"They have decaf, you know." I said looking up as well.

"Not the same." He said looking to me.

My eyes wandered to his and I found myself, once again, getting lost in the dark, comforting gaze that seemed to haunt my dreams.

That is until I tripped on a rock.

Luckily I saved myself before I went face first into the pavement but I couldn't prevent myself from looking like and idiot.

"You okay?" Aiden said trying to stifle his laughter.

"Go ahead, you can laugh, I'm fine." I said straightening myself.

"Okay good because that was really cute." He said laughing

I blushed.

"What? How is me almost dying cute." I said in mock offense.

"You didn't almost die, Harls. You tripped, and I find your lack of balance rather adorable." He said taking my hand again.

If it was possible I blushed even more.

"Dork." I said as we walked into Starbucks.

The warm smell of coffee beans and whipped cream filled my lungs as I took a breath.

We walked up to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you today?" asked the cashier.

She looked young, maybe a couple years older than us.

"I'll have a grande decaf iced caramel macciato." I replied. I could feel Aiden standing behind me and I imagined leaning back into his touch.

"Okay, and whats your name?" She inquired grabbing a cup.

I thought for a second before saying "Harls."

I began to pay but Aiden stopped me.

"No, I got it." He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at him.

He handed the girl a 20 and gave me my drink.

"A real gentleman." The girl said looking from me to him as she gave him his change.

Aiden and I grabbed a booth towards the back.

He sat a crossed from me as I sipped at my drink.

I leaned back in the seat. "Are you sure you don't want any?" I said pushing the drink forward.

He hesitated a moment before taking a sip. "Wtf....this is really good."

I laughed as he wiped whipped cream off his nose. "I got decaf incase you wanted any. we can share if you'd like."

He grabbed a straw from the counter and stuck it in the lid.

"You must really like me if you're willing to share your Starbucks." He said taking another sip.

"I guess you could say that." I said thankful for his unawareness of how much I actually liked him.

"So you do like me?" He said smirking as he sat back.

I was caught off guard by his question.

"I guess you could say that." I said looking down at the drink.

At this point my brain was on autopilot "Do you like me?" I said feeling a rush of regret the moment the words left my lips.

I looked up at him and he leaned forward.

He paused a moment, looking directly at me. "I guess you could say that."

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and took a sip of my drink.

What was I supposed to say now?

My heart was running faster than Nash Grier being chased by a group of unshaved women.

He was still looking at me.

"Oh boy." I breathed out.

He sat up and smiled.

"That's an understatement, Harls."

Ayo, I feel like this update was written kinda awkward so idk tell me what you think. Also Idk if copy rights apply to this shiz and I ain't tryna be arrested so imma play it safe and just put it out there that I DO NOT OWN STARBUCKS. There, that should be good.

~ Harls

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