E l e v e n

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The weekend had arrived and once again I was on my way to Veronica's. The whole ride there I was thinking about seeing him. I pictured his broad shoulders and his ridged jawline, I got tingles down my spine.

When I arrived at the door Veronica welcomed me in with her usual smile and chirpy laughter.

She leaned over to my ear and whispered "Aidens here." As a result I blushed.

We walked down to the basement and as i stepped into the room where they were all sitting I heard Cameron say something along the lines of "yeah, Aiden she said she'd be here, shut up about it." He promptly ended his sentence when Aiden shot him a glare that was equivalent to a "shut. up before I come over there and neuter you."

I pretended I didn't hear and ignored the butterflies that arose within the sack of emotion people referred to as a stomach at the thought of that comment being directed towards me.

Instead of walking straight to Cameron as I usually did I sat down next to Aiden.

He watched me as I positioned myself to face the group.

"Hey Harls." He said flaunting his perfect teeth.

"Hi aids." I said reflecting his smile, that was until I had realized what I had actually just said. "Sorry.....I was trying to give you a nick name....I didn't mean to refer to you as an STD....you see, it's like Aiden, aids, you can't re-"

he shut me up by laughing. His laugh was bubbly and happy and had the ability to make anyone in a 10 foot radius laugh along too.

"Harley, it's fine, You can call me Aids if you want. Believe me, I have no problem discussing STDs with you." He winked. A second later he added "that was supposed to be smooth but seeing as how we were discussing STDs I did the best with what I had."

This time everyone in the room laughed.

A while later someone arrived at the door with pizza. Veronica thanked and paid the man before walking back to the basement and loudly announcing its arrival.

We decided to watch Frozen again as we ate (that was basically a tradition at Veronica's parties) even though half of us were sick of it and the other half were to busy gouging their faces with pizza to even care.

I was still sitting on the couch next to Aiden and I was content. I was content at just being in his presence, happy to just be with him. Even in a room full of other people he was my main focus. I hated that though, he was starting to take over my life in all the right ways. I wanted to live for myself and the more and more I spent thinking about him the more and more I felt that I was living for some made up scenario I had envisioned of me and Aiden being something more than friends.

I looked over at him. The lightwash of the television reflecting off of his face made him look angelic to me. That probably sounds stupid because to anyone else he probably would have looked like a nerd, sitting there, watching frozen. But if he were to look up at me right now, he'd know just how stupid I was. I could feel my face get soft as he smiled at the screen. If he were to look up at me now, he'd know everything.

It's funny because just as I finished that thought he looked up at me. "Everything okay, Harls?" He said calmly.

I made my face go blank so he couldn't see that I was cringing due to the fact that he had probably just seen me staring at him.

"Yea." I said moving back.

He placed his hand over mine and held it.

I stared at his hand on mine for a second, it wasn't like that kind of cute stare that girls do in movies, it was the "holy frickin shit he's touching me what am I supposed to do." kind of stare.

I directed my gaze upward towards his face, It was once again unreadable.

I didn't know what to do so I held his hand back.

I began to reposition myself a little further from him.

He then ended the excruciating silence by saying

"don't move away, Harls. this part scares me, come here." He patted the spot next to him, gesturing me to sit.

I smiled because we were both aware that we were watching Frozen and there wasn't really any scary parts but I moved myself to his side anyway.

At this point the butterflies had evolved into about 628117263 other animals/bugs that had decided to have a rave party in my stomach.

I curled down so my head rested against his side and he put his arm around my back.

Now this is what I'm talkin about.

I didn't know I had the courage to even touch him, much less curl up at his side like I had dreamt of doing so many times before.

It wasn't awkward like I thought it would be. I didn't end up moving because he smelled really good and he was super warm and for some reason he didn't try to move either.

I felt his chest muscles tighten as he looked down at me. I looked up to meet his gaze and laughed when I saw a big goofy grin plastered to his face.

The grin faded into a soft smile as he began to talk.

"You make me happy, Harley." He whispered.

"You make me happy to." I said not even trying to cover the giddiness in my voice.

This was probably dumbest conversation I had ever had and it probably made us sound like two 6th graders who were holding hands for the first time but I didn't really care because I was cuddled up to a hot piece of ass who for now had no problem with me being there.

He didn't respond after that. He just smiled and looked back to the movie

I was disappointed that the conversation didn't continue but I didn't really care because I knew that Jake was going to flip when she heard about this.

I imagined how I would tell it to her and how she would react. She would be just as happy for me as I am now, and that's why I knew I could always count on her to talk about these kind of things.

Then it hit me. Cameron, I hadn't even said hi to him.

I looked over to him and he was talking with Allyson about something. It had only been like an hour since I had arrived so I had time to talk to him later. For now I was good with talking to Aiden about STDs and Frozen.

Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in so long. I was having a lot of difficulty continuing this. Idk. My updates will probably be a little longer now So yea, sorry and thanks for 200 reads!

~ Harls

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