Chapter 3: Keisuke's Past Part 2

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Just as the family finishes their meal Genma turns to Rin and says "Hey princess let's see your new dress" as he smiles at her Rin giggles as she replies "Okay Daddy!" as she gets up and runs out of the room returning twenty minutes later wearing a blue dress with flowers on It complete with shoulder straps that have flowers for pins "What do you think Daddy?" She asked giggling excitedly as she twirls around in a circle.

Genma claps happily "Its beautiful princess!" he replied smiling happily Rin giggles "Thank you Daddy!" she said as she jumps onto his lap and hugs him Keisuke yawns and pats her on the head "Nice dress Sis.." he said smiling kindly Rin looks over at Keisuke "Thanks big brother!" she replied resting her head on her Dads chest. 

A few weeks pass by and Genma arrives at home the kids are in their rooms "Hinata dear I have a guest coming over for dinner tomorrow night" he said looking grim Hinata looked at Genma "Is It him?" she asked with a worried look on her face Genma nodded and replied "If we're lucky this will smooth things over with him!" with a hopeful sigh. 

Hinata nods "I sure hope so..." she muttered softly as she rested her head on his shoulder Genma wraps his arm around her and kisses her head as he gently squeezes her shoulder and says "I'm worried about the kids.." Hinata smiles sadly as she replies "Me too dear.. me too" just as Rin ran into the room "Daddy!" she said jumping towards him Genma catches her and hugs her tightly as he says "Hi princess!"while kissing her on the cheek as Keisuke walks in the room "Dad!" he said walking up and hugging him.

Genma smiles happily "I got a very important guest coming over tomorrow night so I need you to dress in your best outfits and be on your best behavior okay?" he asked hugging both of his kids Keisuke smiled as he replied "Okay Dad". 

The next night they all gathered in the living room Rin was wearing a red dress, red shoes and her hair was in pigtails Keisuke was wearing a blue and black striped suit as was Genma, Hinata wore a blue dress with black shoes and a necklace of pearls.

Genma sighed nervously while fixing his tie "He should be here soon" he mutter softly looking into a mirror Hinata shook her head as she calmly said "Calm down dear It's gonna be fine.."  Genma looks at her in the mirror "You're right honey..." he said with a sigh as he walked over to her and put his arm across her shoulders as the doorbell rings. 

Genma swallows hard "Coming!" he yelled as he ran for the door returning with a tall man who's very appearance gives off an air of someone not to be messed with as he smiles calmly yet darkly he looks to be about 6'2 and fairly muscular wearing a white tuxedo with a black trim and red shirt a rose adorns his chest on the left side he has a green diamond ring on his hand his long black hair is tied into a ponytail with black eyes and a full well groomed beard and his face is covered in scars.

Genma smiles nervously "Mr. Vladimir you remember my wife Hinata?" he asked pointing at her Vladimir smiles "How could I forget?" He said with a low gravely voice as he shakes her hand Vladimir looks at Keisuke and Rin who immediately runs towards her father and jumps into his arms "He's scary Daddy!" she said nervously burying her face Into his chest. 

Genma kisses her head "Its okay Princess, I apologize for that Mr. Vladimir" he said looking at him Vladimir just continues smiling coldly "I'm guessing she's Rin and he's Keisuke?" he asked pointing at them Genma nodded as he replied "Yes sir they are, my wife prepared dinner before you arrived It should be done In just a few minutes" with a nervous smile.

Vladimir looking stone faced replied "Very Good" as he walked with Hinata into the kitchen and sat at the table Genma sits down with Rin still in his arms "Time to eat princess" he said kindly running his hand through her hair Rin doesn't say anything as she turns around grabs her plate and starts eating a few minutes later they all finish eating and Rin falls asleep in her Dads arms Genma looks at the clock on the wall and yawns as he looks at Keisuke "Its time for bed son and could you take your sister to her room for me?" he asked kindly as Keisuke nods "Sure Dad" he replied scooping up Rin and leaving the room.

Genma watches them leave before turning back to Vladimir "So Mr. Vladimir now that there gone shall we?" he asked nervously as Hinata sat down at the table Vladimir sneers at Genma as he replies "Very well..." a few hours later "I must go its getting late but I trust we have a deal?" Vladimir asked coldly as Genma nods nervously "Yes sir!" he said as Vladimir walked out of the door but ten minutes later a knock on the door is heard.

Genma and Hinata answer it "What is this?" Genma said in total fear as they walk backwards holding their hands up as Keisuke who came down for a glass of water rounds the corner of the stairs "What's going on?" he asked looking at his parents as a hand wearing a ring with a green diamond holding a silver gun with a golden eagle etched on it suddenly peers out from behind the wall Genma looks over at Keisuke then back at the gunman as the gunman fires two rounds both shots hitting Hinata and Genma clean in the head as Keisuke watched horrified and in tears he quickly ran upstairs and grabbed the phone calling 9-1-1.

Keisuke shakes violently as the operator answers the call "9-1-1 what's your emergency?" the female voice said kindly  "I just saw my parents get shot!" Keisuke said sounding totally hysterical and panicky the operator gasped loudly "I have officers on the way is the gunman still in the house?" She asked calmly "I don't know! please help!" Keisuke said still distraught.

The operator smiles calmly "Officers are on the way stay hidden and on the line until they get there its gonna be alright sweetie I promise you!" she told him kindly Keisuke continues crying until he hears  a voice yell out "POLICE!". Keisuke runs downstairs to see two police officers one male with black hair and brown eyes and the female cop has blonde hair and blue eyes looking at his parents bodies then glanced at Keisuke "Are you the only one left in the house son?" the female cop asked kindly "No ma'am my sister is asleep upstairs" Keisuke replied shaking and sobbing.

The female cop hugged Keisuke softy "My names Officer Akane and this is my partner Officer Reiko everything's going to be fine now" she said kindly as she held him close.

Chapter 3. End

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