Chapter 4: Keisuke's Past Part 3

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Officer Akane is still hugging Keisuke and is gently rubbing his back at the same time "You're going to be okay..." she said kissing him on the head Keisuke still crying goes wide-eyed as he says "I got to go check on my sister!" as he pulled out of her grip and ran upstairs he opens her bedroom door and sees her asleep in her bed her arms above her head.

He sighs with relief as he walks over and kisses her on the forehead tears still streaming down his face "As I promised Dad I will protect you no matter what Sis...." he thought as he put his hand on hers and felt her close her hand on his as she mumbled "I Love You Big Brother" in her sleep Keisuke gently pulled his hand back as he whispered back"I love you too Sis..." then he walked out the door and back downstairs.

As he got downstairs Officer Reiko approached him and pulled out a pad of paper and knelt down and smiled kindly "Now son this may be difficult but can you answer a few questions for me?" he asked looking right at him Keisuke nodded "Yes sir" he replied wiping his Tears Away on his sleeve.

Officer Reiko tapped his shoulder gently "You're a brave lad now tell me did you see the shooter?" he asked kindly Keisuke shook his head as he replied "No sir I only saw his hand he was wearing a ring with a Green Diamond in it but his gun was silver and had an eagle etched on it" while looking nervous.

Officer Reiko nodded and wrote down the description on his notepad "Thank you son you've been very brave tonight" he said patting Keisuke on the head as Officer Akane walks over and kneels down "I have notified child protective services..." she started to say but Keisuke cut across her "NO I'll take care of my sister I promised my Dad I would!" he said angrily.

The officers hold up their hands "But son you're just a child you can't possibly look after a little girl by yourself!" Officer Akane replied kindly Keisuke just glared at her "I'll get a job I'm old enough to work!" he said with an annoyed look on his face Officer Reiko shakes his head "We can't allow that!" he replied getting pretty annoyed himself Keisuke continues glaring at the Officers as he says "I don't care what you can and can't do she's my sister and I'll take care of her!" while getting more annoyed.

Officer Akane smiled kindly at Keisuke as she says "No ones gonna hire a child like you..."while patting him on the head Keisuke swats her hand away angrily as he replies "I'm not a child I'm thirteen! and I will get a job you'll see!" just as Rin walked in the room "Big brother I'm thirsty" she said rubbing her eyes panic stricken Keisuke quickly ran towards her and picked her up "Okay but then It's back to bed alright?" he asked as calmly as possible.

Rin wrapped her arms around his neck as she replied "Okay big brother..." resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her to the kitchen the officers following right behind them Keisuke grabs a bottle of water from the fridge he takes the lid off and hands it to Rin "There you go sis" he said Smiling kindly Rin takes the bottle and drinks some of it "Why are the cops here big brother?" she asked looking at them while drinking her water Keisuke shakes his head "Mom and Dad..." he started saying as he shook and tears fall down his face Mom and Dad are gone Sis they ran away!" he replied hugging her tightly.

Rin started crying into Keisuke's shoulder "Why would they run away?" she asked her tears soaking his shirt Keisuke kissed her on the head as he replied "I don't know Sis but I promise you I'll take care of you until they return okay?" as he wiped away her tears Rin looks up at Keisuke and says "I love you big brother.." then falls asleep in his arms.

Officer Akane walks up to Keisuke and bends over slightly so her mouth is at his ear "You made a believer out of me kid we'll let you look after her but if you need anything here's my personal number.." she whispered softly handing him a slip of paper.

Keisuke nodded as he replied "Thanks Officer Akane" as he pockets the paper "We'll have the living room spotless so she won't know what happened" Officer Akane whispered kindly as she runs her hand through Rin's hair Keisuke nodded and took Rin to his own bedroom as he didn't think It would be a good Idea for her to be by herself and put her in his bed.

The scene flashes back to the present as Keisuke Is seen with his face In his hands crying as Rin and Yuria who are also crying hug him "Why didn't you tell me they were murdered big brother?" Rin said crying on his shoulder Keisuke shakes his head as he replies "I'm sorry Sis I didn't think you could handle the truth, can you forgive me?" wiping away his tears Rin kisses Keisuke on the cheek "Of course I know you did It to protect me thank you big brother" she said wiping away her own tears.

Yuria wipes away her tears as she looks at them both "So what happened after that Mr. Keisuke If you don't mind me asking?" she asked curiously Keisuke smiled kindly at her "A few weeks later I got a job at Toei Animation as an intern which paid decently but I mostly delivered the anime's we made to stores and when I was sixteen I got my first promotion after the President saw my drawings and story ideas" He replied happily "Come to think of It meeting you reminded me of my first manga Yuria" he added with an amused look.

Chapter 4. End

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