Chapter 11: Ayano's Heartbreaking Story Part 3!

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Ayano makes it all the way to the finals where they break for the day after finding out her opponent was gonna be the red haired guy who scoffed at her when she signed up for the tournament and as she leaves she's approached by a group of five guys all of which have black hair and are dressed in hoodies and jeans with the hoods up obscuring their faces from view "Can I help you?" Ayano asked raising her eyebrows as one of the guys steps forward "Sorry its nothing personal it's just business..." the guy said as he knees her in the stomach.

Ayano coughs up blood as she falls to a knee "W-Why?" she gasped clutching her ribs gasping the guys just look at her as the guy from before replies "Our boss doesn't want A Tranny like you to win the championship that's why.." as he kneels down "Trust me when I say we personally don't like this anymore than you do..." he added standing back up as he joined the others in kicking her as she screams in pain.

Just then Takeru came around the corner and sees whats unfolding "HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BASTARDS DOING!" he yelled running towards them they take one look at Takeru and walk off as they do Takeru sees Ayano laying on the ground holding her ribs "Oh god Ayano!" Takeru said running up to her and picking her up "T-Takeru I think my ribs are b-broken..." Ayano coughed as she smiled at him.

Takeru ran his hand through her hair and smiled "You'll be fine I promise!" he said softly while running with her in his arms to the nearest hospital "Help please!" he pleaded to the nearest Nurse who ran over "What happened to her?" she asked with a concerned look "She was ambushed after the martial arts tournament If I hadn't gone to check on her It might've turned out worse..." Takeru replied sadness in his voice as he walked with the nurse to an empty bed.

Takeru places her on the bed as a Doctor with brown hair and brown eyes with a bushy mustache walks over "Don't worry we'll take good care of her she'll be fine" the doctor said kindly as he put his hand on Takeru's shoulder "Is it okay If I stay with her Doctor?" Takeru asked with a shaky voice "Absolutely" the Doctor replied with a kind smile, Takeru grabs Ayano's hand and smiles at her "I love you and I'll be by your side the whole time baby" he assured her as he kissed her forehead.

The Doctor smiles "I need to take her to X-Ray immediately" he suddenly said holding up his hand Takeru nods then looks at Ayano "I'll be waiting here when you get back baby" he told her as the Doctor wheeled her out and took her to X-Ray and after about ten minutes was able to get an X-Ray of her chest "Okay I got the X-Ray I'll take you back to your room now dear" he said kindly as he pushes her bed back down the hall and into her room.

Takeru looks up as they return "How's it look Doc?" he asked as Ayano's bed is pushed back into place, the Doctor holds up the X-Rays "I figured we should look together" he replied as he pulled the pictures from the envelope and put them on the board and takes a look "Two of her ribs are broken as you can see here" the Doctor explained while pointing at them "She'll need surgery" he added sadly.

Ayano looks at the Doctor "But I have to fight in the finals tomorrow!" she said angrily as the Doctor shook his head as he replied "You can't fight in your condition dear It would be suicide!" he replied looking down as Ayano sat up with a grunt "Fuck that I've waited a long time to fight for the championship I ain't gonna forfeit!" she said furiously while holding her ribs and standing up.

Takeru grabbed her shoulders gently "Please don't do this If anything happened to you I'd..." he started saying as he looked down, Ayano smiled at him "I'll be fine I've trained long and hard for this I will win!" she replied coughing and holding up her fist "The finals aren't until tomorrow please rest today" Takeru pleaded looking into her eyes Ayano kisses him and says "Okay babe just for you I will.." then lays back down.

The next day Ayano leaves the hospital with Takeru and its raining "I'm glad the Doctor scheduled my surgery after my fight...." she said happily while holding her ribs Takeru gives her a worried look "I still don't like this what if your injuries get worse?" he asked looking at her as they stop in front of the stadium Ayano puts her hand on his cheek "I'll be fine baby I promise! although this rain will make it a little more difficult" she replied walking away from him into the stadium.

Half way through the finals Ayano is clutching her ribs and Takeru is cheering her on as she glances over at him she sees a man wearing a black mask walking through the crowd towards Takeru at first she ignores it and does a jumping spin kick knocking the red haired guy out of the ring winning the fight but just as she turns around to celebrate she sees the Masked Man behind Takeru holding a silver gun with a Golden Eagle etched on it to his head a green diamond ring on his hand.

Takeru has his arms up and is saying something to the Masked Man when he suddenly opens fire and puts a bullet through Takeru's head causing everyone to scream and run around scared which allowed the Masked Man to escape, Ayano jumps off the stage and runs to him "TAKERU!!!" she screamed as she held him in her arms crying "Takeru please don't die I love you!!" she pleaded as her tears started flowing while It rains heavily on them . 

The scene flashes back to the present as Ayano has her hand in her face crying heavily as Keisuke looks at her with a shocked look on his face "I'm so sorry Ayano..." he said sadly before raising his eyebrows as he quickly adds  "Wait... did you say his gun was silver with a Gold Eagle on it and he was wearing a green diamond ring on his hand?" as his face turn from sad to red from anger as Ayano nods with her face still in her hand

Keisuke growls angrily "Ayano he's the same son of a bitch who killed my parents!" he said slamming his fist down on the arm of the chair.

Chapter 11. End

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