Chapter 6: Prince Ryo!

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Yuria and Rin walk into the house carrying bags of groceries and put them on the kitchen counter "That was fun Miss Rin" Yuria said happily Rin smiles as she replies "I had fun today too actually" putting the groceries away "When's Mr. Keisuke off work?" Yuria asked curiously Rin looks up at the clock "He should be home in three hours" she replied putting bottles of water in the fridge.

Three hours pass and sure enough Keisuke arrives home "I'm home!" he yelled as he took his shoes off and slipped into a pair of blue slippers he left by the door yuria runs around the corner "Mr. Keisuke!" she said jumping towards him Keisuke catches her but falls on his butt "Its good to see you too Yuria" he groaned as Yuria rubbed her face into his chest.

Keisuke stands up as Yuria grabs his arm "You have a good day at work Mr. Keisuke?" she asked looking up at him Keisuke rubs his eyes as he replies "Not gonna lie I'm exhausted Yuria, how about you? did you and Rin do anything today?" as he smiles at her Yuria giggles happily "Thanks to Miss Rin I got a job!" she said excitedly as they walked into the living room "You got a job? where at?" Keisuke asked curiously.

Yuria smiles as she replies"At Mr. Kenji's bakery" as they both sat on the couch "Oh you'll like it there Mr. Kenji is a really great guy!" he said happily "So when do you start?" Keisuke asked "Tomorrow morning at nine" Yuria replied leaning on Keisuke's arm and closing her eyes making Keisuke blush as he says "I have the day off tomorrow why don't I drop you off?" Yuria smiles happily "Okay Mr. Keisuke I'd like that" she said with a yawn as Rin walks into the room "Don't you two look cute together" she said teasingly as she sat in the recliner.

Keisuke coughs as he says "Very funny Sis" then grabbed the TV remote and flicks through channels "Nothing on today lets watch a movie" Keisuke said looking at Rin who replies "Good idea" then pulls out some DVDs "Which one tonight big brother?" Rin asked pouring through them "Something funny" Keisuke replied yawning and scratching his stomach "How about this One?" she said holding up a copy of Sailor Moon S: The Movie.

Keisuke smiles "Read my nind Sis!" he said happily as Rin puts the disk in the machine and turns it on and they watch it "Nothing beats the classics!" Keisuke said as Rin nodded in Agreement as the movie finishes Keisuke looks down and notices Yuria fell asleep on his shoulder "Lets let her sleep on the couch tonight Sis" he whispered quietly to Rin who nodded and left the room returning five minutes later with a blanket as Keisuke gently lays her down on the couch she walks over and covers her with the blanket.

Rin looks up at the clock and yawns "I'm going to bed goodnight big brother" she whispered kissing his cheek and walking off "Night Sis" he whispered back as she left the room Keisuke yawns "Bed sounds nice actually" he thought as he walked upstairs changing into his boxers and slips into bed instantly falling asleep.

The next day Keisuke wakes up and throws his blanket off himself only to find Yuria in his bed again only this time shes naked Keisuke screams loudly causing Rin to run into the room upon seeing a nude Yuria punches Keisuke hard on the cheek "BIG BROTHER YOU DISGUSTING PIG!" she yelled as he flew across the room hitting the wall Keisuke stands up blood leaking from his nose "Damn it Rin quit doing that!" he yelled at her while rubbing his cheek.

Rin glares at Keisuke as she says "Explain why's shes naked in your bed then big brother!" while pointing at Yuria, Keisuke glares back at Rin as he replies "I don't know I left her on the couch last night and came to bed!" looking annoyed as Yuria sits up and looks at them "Whats the problem?" she asked rubbing her eyes Keisuke looks over at her and blood shoots out of his nose "Damn it Yuria cover yourself up!" he said holding a tissue to his nose.

Looking down Yuria notices she's not wearing anything so she pulls the blanket over herself "Sorry Mr. Keisuke" she said looking down sadly Keisuke nods "Its alright, why do you keep sneaking into my bed anyway?" he asked wiping up his nose "I don't like sleeping alone and I feel safe with you" she replied smiling happily as Keisuke got dressed "You'd better get dressed Yuria you don't want to be late on your first day of work" Keisuke said blushing.

With Keisuke's back to her she put her underwear on then ran to Rin's room after Rin and Keisuke went downstairs to grab her work clothes and put them on then went downstairs to find Rin cooking and Keisuke reading the newspaper "You okay with scrambled eggs Yuria dear?" Rin asked checking the bacon in the stove "Yes Miss Rin" she nodded and sat next to Keisuke. 

Keisuke puts the newspaper down "Ready for your first day Yuria?" Keisuke asked smiling "I'm so excited!" Yuria replied with a giddy expression as Rin put three plates of bacon and eggs on the table and sat down "This looks delicious Sis!" Keisuke said taking a smell "It's really delicious Miss Rin" Yuria said taking a bite of her eggs.

After they finish breakfast Keisuke belches "That was so good" he said patting his stomach Yuria lets out a little squeak of a burp and giggles as Keisuke looks at the clock "Time to go!" he said standing up as does Yuria and Rin who nods they walk to the door and as Keisuke puts his shoes on he looks at Rin "You coming Sis?" he asked Rin just shakes her head as she replies "Nah I got laundry and stuff to do" with a smile as Yuria gave her a hug "See you later Miss Rin" Yuria said looking up at her.

Rin hugs her back as she replies "Be good dear" while Yuria walks out the door with Keisuke they get in his car and drive down to the bakery where Mr. Kenji waves at them as he takes out the trash Keisuke and Yuria wave back as he parks the car and they get out "How's it going Mr. Kenji?" Keisuke asked holding out his hand "Not too bad business has been pretty steady today actually" Mr. Kenji replied shaking Keisuke's hand.

Mr. Kenji turns to Yuria "Your job is a simple one Yuria dear I just need you to stand out here and wear this sign" he explained holding up a dual sided sign "It just rests on your shoulders like so" he explained further putting it on "Sounds simple enough" Yuria replied happily as Mr. Kenji takes the sign off and hands it to her "Also don't forget to smile and do your best to get people to come into the store" Mr. Kenji added smiling kindly.

Yuria nodded confidently "I wont let you down Mr. Kenji!" she said putting the sign on as Keisuke puts his hand on her shoulders "I'll be back in a few hours to pick you up alright?" he said smiling at her "Right!" she replied confidently as a gold and black limo drove past but suddenly stopped and backed up stopping in front of the bakery.

The driver gets out and walks to the passenger door and opens it and a man steps out he's wearing gold and black royal robes complete with a red cape and a gold crown on his head he's carrying a golden scepter he has brown hair, blue eyes and a handsome face he walks up to Yuria. 

After looking at her for a moment he grabs her hand and goes down to a knee as he kisses her hand and looks up at her and says "Never in all my years have I ever gazed on anything so beautiful!" with a smile Yuria just looks at him "Who are you?" Yuria asked blushing and confused "Yes who are you?" Keisuke said with a jealous look on his face "Do forgive my rudeness I am Prince Ryo!" he said with a pompous tone.

Chapter. 6 End 

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