Chapter 14: Kusnetsov Enterprises!

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After a few more days of training with Ayano, Keisuke decided it was time to confront Vladimir and save Yuria "Sis you stay here Ayano and I will finish this!" Keisuke said punching his hand Rin Nods as she replies "Be careful guys!" with a worried look on her face as Ayano walked up to her and hugs her "I promise we'll bring the scumbag down and bring Yuria home!" Ayano said kissing her cheek.

Rin smiles happily as she says "I love you Ayano" while returning the hug and giving her a quick kiss as the phone rings smiling Keisuke picks it up "Hello Urahara residence" He said as he put the phone to his ear "Been awhile Keisuke how have you been?" the female voice said making Keisuke's eyebrows raise as he replies "Its you..." as he looks shocked .

A few hours later Keisuke and Ayano arrive at Kusnetsov Enterprises, Keisuke is wearing his old black and white gi and Ayano is wearing her tight shorts, white T-Shirt, black wore out gloves and sneakers "Are you ready for this Keisuke?" she asked holding up a fist "Yes I am!, lets take the bastard down!" Keisuke said also holding up a fist.

As they walk  up two guards walk up to them both are wearing blue suits and a Belt holding a nightstick and gun in there holsters one of the guards has blonde hair and blue eyes the other one has red hair and brown eyes "Can I help you?" the guard with blonde hair asked stone faced "Where's Vladimir hiding?" Keisuke demanded as he looked at the guards angrily.

The guards grab their guns as they each hold up a hand "Mr. Vladimir isn't here!" the guards both say pulling out their guns and pointing them at Keisuke and Ayano making them chuckle softly "Guess we have no choice..." Keisuke said kicking the blonde guard in the gut as Ayano punches the other one in the face making them fall to their knees in pain as Keisuke grabs the blonde guard and slams him against the guard booth wall "I won't ask you again!, where is Vladimir hiding?" Keisuke yelled at the guard angrily.

The blonde guard coughs "He's in the laboratory!" he grunted before passing out Keisuke lets the guard  go and he crumples to the ground "I knew he was here lets go Ayano!" Keisuke said nodding at her "Right!" Ayano replied nodding back as they walked into the building "Not many guards for a huge business huh?" Ayano pondered while walking next to Keisuke who nods "Yeah getting in was way too easy!" Keisuke said putting his hand on his chin.

Ayano pauses at a pillar and reads the sign on it "The laboratory is on the bottom floor according to this map" she said pointing at it "Good lets take the stairs the elevator might be booby trapped" Keisuke replied as they resumed walking "I agree besides I never trusted elevators anyway" she said nodding as they reach the stairs and go down to the bottom floor taking fifteen minutes to do so.

As they open the door to the bottom floor two more guards approach them holding pistols "Freeze!" they both said pointing their guns at them "Hey take it easy I was just gonna tell you..." Keisuke started saying as he walking up to them with Ayano as he continues to say "Your shoes are untied!" while pointing downwards and as the guards looked down they both punch them in the gut sending them flying their guns fall out of their hands.

Keisuke and Ayano shake their heads as they walk up and punch them in the face knocking them out "I can't believe they fell for that one!" Keisuke muttered laughing "Me either I figured Vladimir would've hired guards with brains guess I was wrong" Ayano replied with a giggle as they walk to the laboratory and sure enough a man with a black ponytail is in there yelling at his  scientists. 

The man suddenly turns around after one of the scientist points at Keisuke and Ayano, when he sees them he runs out of the room to the parking lot next to the laboratory Keisuke and Ayano give chase and find him standing in front of his limo chuckling "Well well well if it isn't little Keisuke Urahara! oh and Ayano Gouda too!" he said running his hand through his black hair and scratching his beard sneering.

Keisuke growls angrily "Where's Yuria!" he demanded pointing at him furiously,  Vladimir chuckles darkly "In my limo with my son her future husband!" he replied sneering gleefully as the limo door opened up and Prince Ryo stepped out "I told you my Father would make you pay for hurting my beautiful face!" he said smugly sneering at Keisuke who points at him furiously "YOU!" he yelled angrily as Yuria stepped out of the limo and stood next to Prince Ryo with a blank expression on her face where he grabs her and kisses her right in front of Keisuke.

Keisuke looks at them angry and wide eyed "You son of a bitch!, Yuria its me Keisuke!" he said looking at her sadly Yuria's eyes twitch as she looks over at him "Its no use Keisuke she's under my control once again she may have escaped me last time but thanks to this little device my scientists created..." Vladimir holds up the device as he continues  "She's back with her father!" with a gleeful sneer.

Keisuke reels  back in shock "What do you mean her father?" he asked wide eyed as Vladimir looks at him and sneers "What I mean is Yuria is a cyborg created by my company!" he said laughing "Before we  kick your ass and take Yuria back I want to know one thing..." Keisuke started saying but is cut off by Vladimir who puts his hand on his chin and says "Let me guess you want to know why I killed your parents and Ayano's boyfriend right?" with a sinister sneer.

Keisuke glares at him "Spill it coward!" he demanded holding up a fist as Vladimir chuckles "I not only run a Robotics Lab I'm also a loan shark your father not only owed me money he worked for me he helped develop Yuria here.." he points at her as he continues to say  "I also am a very impatient man and when your father failed time and time again to pay me back I killed him and your mother!" then laugh hysterically.

Keisuke clenches his fists hard "You son of a...." Keisuke said under his breath as Ayano points at Vladimir "What about my Takeru why him!?" she demanded through gritted teeth "He refused to pay me back so I took him out simple as that!" Vladimir replied coldly as he played with his green diamond ring as Ayano's face turns redder than a tomato as she glares at him.

Keisuke and Ayano point at Vladimir "Its time you paid for your crimes you coward!" they both said in unison as they glare at him.

Chapter. 14 End

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