Chapter 9: Ayano's Heartbreaking Story Part 1!

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As they all arrive back at Keisuke's house and enter the house Rin walks up to them "Welcome home!" Rin said smiling then she sees Ayano and goes wide eyed "Keisuke is that who I think it is?" Keisuke just smiles as he says "Sis this is Ayano Gouda, Ayano this is my sister Rin" smiling happily as Rin ran up and hugged her "I cannot believe it! the Ayano Gouda in our house!" Rin said gushing.

Ayano smiles "Thank you so much you're too kind" she replied returning the hug blushing hard "Please make yourself at home Ayano" Keisuke said smiling as Yuria grabs his arm "Can we watch a movie tonight Mr. Keisuke?" Yuria asked looking up at him "Absolutely I'd love that" Keisuke replied smiling kindly at her.

Seeing how happy Yuria and Keisuke look Ayano's eye's drop slightly "You're so lucky Keisuke..." she said looking at him "Why's that?" Keisuke asked confused "You have someone who adores you so much I'm kinda jealous" Ayano replied sadly Keisuke walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder as he says "I'm sure you'll find someone special soon enough"with a kind smile.

Ayano nods as she glances down at Rin who's still hugging her then back at Keisuke "You're right Keisuke" Ayano said as Rin looks up at her blushing and says "I got to say your even more beautiful in person than on TV!" while looking up into her eyes Ayano blushes crimson "Thanks you're very beautiful too Rin" Ayano replied nervously.

Keisuke shakes his head "That explains a lot...." he said chuckling as Rin shoots him an annoyed look "What do you mean by that big brother?" Rin asked walking with Ayano to the living room "I now know why you never had a boyfriend before Sis" Keisuke replied amused Rin just sticks her tongue out at him as she says "Shut it big brother!" half amused.

Ayano takes a seat on the couch "You have a really beautiful house" Ayano said looking around as Rin snuggles into her muttering "So awesome!" under her breath making Keisuke snicker as he sits in the chair "Thanks Ayano! Rin did the decorating" he replied as Yuria sits on his lap and smiles happily "Um where's your bathroom? I need to take a shower" Ayano asked as Keisuke wrapped his arms around Yuria "Right upstairs first door on the left" Keisuke said smiling.

Ayano pulls Rin off her and stands up "Okay thanks Keisuke" she replied leaving the room and about 30 Minutes later returns "Much better!" she sighed as she sat down on the couch next to Rin who proceeds to cuddle her again "So Ayano is it true that you won the championship with two broken ribs?" Keisuke asked curiously Ayano nods as she responds "Sure is!" while looking down "You okay?" Keisuke asked raising his eyebrows.

Ayano nods sadly "Talking about my first tournament reminded me of my first and only boyfriend..." she said sighing sadly Keisuke looks down "I'm sorry but if you don't mind me asking what was he like?" Keisuke asked looking at her Ayano smiled sadly "He was a great guy the only one who accepted me being a transsexual woman and really encouraged me to fight and live my dreams" she said smiling "You see it went like this...." the scene shifts back several years to when Ayano was 15.

Standing in front of the tournament registration booth in a blue schoolgirl outfit Ayano salutes the two guys sitting at the booth they are both in good shape one has black hair and brown eyes wearing an official world tournament T-Shirt as well as blue jeans and the other guy has red hair, green eyes and is wearing the same stuff "Hi guys I'm here to register for the tournament!" she said smiling happily as the guy with black hair hands her a clipboard "Sign here please!" He replied holding out a pen.

Ayano takes the pen and signs her name "Okay that all?" she asked as the guy with black hair smiles at her "Yes just make sure you're here on time or you'll be disqualified oh and good luck!" he said holding out his hand which Ayano shakes while the guy with red hair scoffs, stands up and walks fff "What's his problem?" Ayano asked jabbing a thumb in his direction "He's been in a bad mood all day, so how have you been Ayano?" he asked smiling at her Ayano blushes hard as she replies "I'm doing good thanks Takeru just fending off all the haters" with a smile.

Takeru smiles "Yeah it must be tough being a transsexual lady I got to say your Doctor is amazing you look amazing so far" he said checking her out Ayano giggles "You think so?, I can't wait until all my surgeries are done" she said happily as Takeru stands up "Well my shift is done I'll see you at school tomorrow Ayano.." Takeru said giving her a kiss on the cheek before running off.

Ayano stood there blushing hard and watching him run off with hearts in her eyes "He's so dreamy!" she thought.

Chapter. 9 End

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