Chapter 7: The New Girl In Town!

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Prince Ryo holds his hand up in Keisuke's face "Be gone peasant!" he said arrogantly turning back to Yuria as he says "Where were we pretty lady"while looking at her she turns her head and scoffs "You were leaving" she said with an annoyed look Prince Ryo angrily grabs her arm "You will be mine!" he said pulling her towards his limo Keisuke steps in front of him and holds out his Arms "Let her go!" he demanded with an angry look on his face just as the limo driver jumped him from behind putting him in a full nelson.

Keisuke kicks and stuggles to break free "YURIA!" Keisuke yelled but cannot free himself and watches crying as Prince Ryo pulls her toward his limo kicking and screaming but just as they reach the limo Prince Ryo gets dropped kicked in the face by a woman with long black hair, blue eyes she's got a slender but muscular body wearing a pink T-Shirt and black bicycle shorts as well as a pair of black MMA gloves that are worn out looking with purple and black sneakers on her feet flying through the air causing his crown to go flying and sends him flying backwards landing on his back as the woman lands on her feet angrily looking at him.

"You bloody coward I can't stand guys like you!" she spat angrily flipping him off and turning to the limo driver holding Keisuke "You're next!" she said motioning towards the driver who let Keisuke go and ran back to the limo picking up Prince Ryo who rubs his cheek "Who dares hit my beautiful face!?" Prince Ryo asked looking around angrily finally noticing the woman in a fighting pose looking right at him. 

Yuria runs back to Keisuke and hugs him hard "Mr. Keisuke..." she muttered scared as Prince Ryo grabbed his crown and put it back on as he says "You witch you dare touch my beautiful face who do you think you are!?" in a pompous tone as he points at her "I suggest you leave before I knock you on your ass again!" she replied pointing at the limo, Prince Ryo flinches "Very well but you haven't seen the last of Prince Ryo once my father finds out what happened there will be hell to pay!" he said getting into his limo as his driver runs towards the drivers seat and takes off.

The woman spits on the ground"Good riddance!" she said flipping off the Limo as it drove off then walked over to Keisuke and Yuria "Are you two alright?" she asked kindly Keisuke nods as he responds "A little shaken up but otherwise we're fine" then looked up at her and goes wide eyed "Are you who I think you are?" Keisuke asked staring at her in awe the woman smiles kindly "Names Ayano Gouda nice to meet you!" she replied bowing Keisuke's jaw drops "THE Ayano Gouda? the undefeated martial arts champion of the world?" Keisuke asked with stars in his eyes "The one and only" she replied happily "I take it your a fan of mine?" she added looking at him.

Keisuke with Yuria still burying her face in his chest stumbles around looking for a pen "M-My name is Keisuke Urahara and I am your biggest fan can I get an autograph?" he asked nervously as he holds out a pen and piece of paper which Ayano takes with a smile "Of course and who's the girl?" she asked signing her name on the paper "Her name is Yuria or at least that's the name we gave her when I saved her as she has amnesia" Keisuke explained as Yuria turns around and looks at Ayano "Thanks for saving me Miss Ayano" she said bowing.

Ayano holds up her hand "No problem any chance you know where Master Cheng's dojo Is? I was supposed to be there an hour ago to train" she asked handing Keisuke the pen and paper "I didn't know Master Cheng still took pupils" he replied looking surprised "I've never met him but I heard he was a great fighter and I wanted to learn from him" she replied stretching.

Keisuke blinked "He taught me when I was 13 he is amazing! his dojo is not far from here we can show you where it is" Keisuke said happily as he turned towards Mr. Kenji had just come out of his store "You mind if Yuria leaves early? she's too shaken up to work" He asked as Mr. Kenji nods and replies "Probably a good idea I'll see you when your better Yuria dear" then waves at them as he enters his bakery.

Ayano punches the air excitedly "Shall we?" she asked as Keisuke and Yuria get in his car "You want a lift?" Keisuke asked kindly "Yeah sure I should probably save my energy" Ayano replied getting in the back seat and buckling up as Keisuke drove off "It really is a great honor meeting you you've been my idol for years" Keisuke said looking at her in his rear view mirror "I'm flattered Mr. Keisuke" she replied smiling happily.

After driving for a few miles they stop in front of a beautiful red and white dojo with a green dragon sign reading Master Cheng's dojo the courtyard is filled with many flowers and cherry blossom trees as well as a mini pond and some bonsai planets scattered about they noticed an old man with a bald head, black eyes, and a fu-manchu mustache wearing a red and black hakama watering the plants and flowers.

Keisuke holds up his hand "Its been awhile Master Cheng" he said as they all walk up to him and bows "Ah Keisuke my finest student!" he replied happily as Keisuke goes red in the face "You really mean that master?" he asked grinning stupidly "Oh yes this is Yuria" he said snapping out of it and pointing at her "And this is Ayano Gouda" he added happily as Ayano bows "Master Cheng please train me!" she asked nervously as Master Cheng looks at her "I'm not taking students anymore" he replied gruffly and turned back to his plants "Please Master Cheng I traveled very far just to learn from you!" Ayano pleaded.

Master Cheng coughs as he replies "Really? I'm flattered" as he turned around and looked her up and down with his hand on his chin "I'll train you but on one condition!" he finally said holding up a finger "Anything Master Cheng" Ayano replied holding her fists up "I want you to cook me a meal and if its great I'll train you!" he said smiling kindly "Yes Master one meal coming up! where's your kitchen?" she asked excitedly "Go through the door and hang a left you can't miss it" he said putting his hands in his sleeves.

Keisuke chuckles as he says "Same old Master you always did love to eat" with an amused look on his face "Old habits never truly die my son" he replied with a chuckle as he turns to face Yuria "Pleasure to meet you dear" he add smiling kindly at her Yuria bows as she responds "Nice to meet you too Master Cheng" then smiles happily.

Chapter 7. End

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