Chapter 15: Keisuke And Ayano's Revenge!

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Vladimir chuckles darkly as he says "As if you could stop me!" while beckoning them forward "Ayano save Yuria this bastard is mine!" Keisuke growled as he glared angrily at Vladimir, Ayano nods as she replies "Alright but save some for me Keisuke!" then runs towards Prince Ryo "Round two pretty boy!" she said kicking him clean in the gut sending him flying back first into the limo knocking him out as Keisuke runs at Vladimir and aims a kick at his head.

Vladimir blocks it with ease and chuckles darkly "That it?, you're pathetic!" he said punching Keisuke hard in the ribs making him drop to his knees as he coughs loudly "B-Bastard!" Keisuke yelled looking up at him as Vladimir reaches into his suit top and pulls out the silver gun with the golden eagle on it and points it at Keisuke "Oh would you look at this, this little baby brings back memories now doesn't it?" he said sneering and chuckling darkly.

Keisuke growls as he points up at Vladimir "You cowardly son of a bitch!" he said angrily as Ayano quickly pulls Yuria to a safe area before returning and aiming a jump kick at Vladimir and yells "Heads up ugly!" making Vladimir look up just in time to get kicked clean in the face knocking him down and sending his gun flying towards a nearby wall.

Ayano fist bumps Keisuke who stands up his knees shaking from being winded "Sorry I'm late" she said shuffling her feet in a rope-a-dope fashion while looking at Vladimir who stands up wiping blood off his mouth "You bitch!" he spat looking at her "I think you pissed him off Ayano.." Keisuke said chortling in amusement "Sure looks it" Ayano replied with a snicker.

Keisuke suddenly points at Vladimir as he says "Surrender Vladimir its over you've lost!" Seething with rage Vladimir yells "NEVER!" as he runs towards them readying a punch only for Keisuke and Ayano to both kick him in the gut then the back of his legs making him cough up blood and gasp in pain as he falls to his knees "Got a confession Vladimir.." Keisuke said grabbing his hair and pulling his head back looking at him.

Vladimir gasps and coughs up more blood as he replies "What?" while continuing to glare at Keisuke through gritted teeth as a smile suddenly unfurls on Keisuke's face "I got an interesting phone call before we came here from some old friends and apparently they hate you just as much as we do!" Keisuke said triumphantly pointing at the door.

Sure enough two cops run through the door and point their guns at Vladimir one is a blonde woman and the other is a red haired male Vladimir glares at them both in shock and anger as Keisuke rips open his top to reveal a wiretap taped onto his chest then continues to say "Vladimir Kusnetsov you are under arrest!" then lets Vladimir go as he adds "Officer Reiko and Akane he's all yours.." then turns to Ayano who high fives him then watches as the officers move in to put handcuffs on him "Its over we finally did it!" she said crying tears of joy.

Officer Akane wipes her own tears away as she says "Thanks to you guys all the people this man victimized over the years will finally get the justice they deserve we really can't thank you enough!" while Reiko stands Vladimir up and searches him "It was a pleasure guys and if you need our help again feel free to call us oh and his gun is over there against the wall" Keisuke said pointing at it as Ayano nodded in agreement.

Keisuke walked over to Vladimir and pulled the device controlling Yuria out his pocket and Reiko watches curiously as Keisuke looks at the device for a moment before smashing it to bits making Vladimir growl "I'll make you suffer for this Keisuke Urahara!" he muttered angrily as Keisuke walked away with Ayano and flipped him off as he did.

Keisuke and Ayano walk over to where Ayano left Yuria who still has a blank look on her face and in her eyes even though the device was shattered Keisuke looks at her lovingly as he asks "Do you remember me Yuria?" while hugging her tightly making her eyes flicker between black and normal.

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