Chapter 2 (sort of)~ Discriptions

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Long, curly blonde hair with blue and purple highlights. Blueish redish eyes. Pale, slight freckled skin, bruises and cuts appear often. Beaten regularly, rarely fed, skinnier then the pole your mamma dances on (:#/ sorry), slightly shorter than her brother.

Hayley & Ali (because they are twins)~

Short, straight, black, blue, red, and blonde highlights. Normal hair color, brown. Brown eyes. Makeup freak, emo, always wears black, loves creepypasta. Hayley's favorite is Jana the killer. Ali's favorite is Jeff the killer and Jane the killer. Never smiles, sometimes laughs, really annoying. Pale skin, never marked, cutter, hides love for Jinxed. Ali is known for being pretty. Hayley is known for her Anorexia, Dyslexia, and clostrophobia.

Christian/Jinxed(Just Chritian to Innocence though)~

Short, curly-ish brown hair. Goldish bluish eyes. Tan, freckled, bruises and cuts, fit. Beaten regularly, runs away constently, hides from home, eats rarely, skinny like Innocence, never goes in the house alone. Never lets his mother or father around Innocence.


Short, straight, brown hair with pink highlights. Purpl blue eyes.Short, lightly freckled, pale, cuts all over. Inlove with creepypasta as well. her favorite is clock-Work.Never leaves Innocence's side, loyal to her friends, grade A student. Follows Innocence where she goes except home, plays video games constantly. Only child.


Brown, short, wavy hair. Almost completely blackish red eyes. Tan, no freckles, smooth skin. Just as skinny as Innocence, tall as Innocence, short as Jinxed. Stands by Jinxed's side, helps out with feeding Innocence. Loves creepypasta like Briar, Ali, Hayley and Dessa. His favorite is Ben Drowned. Never lies, caring. Has a crush on Innocence.


Straight, short, blonde hair. Tannish, freckled, slightly bruised and cut skin. Reddish Brown eyes. Takes care of Innocence and Jinxed when they need it. Best friend to all.

What they all have in common: They each have a creepypasta parent or friend.


Black, short, straight hair. Purple eyes(literally). Bruised, cut up, tan, freckled all over skin. Just like Innocence and Christian, beaten daily, Dessa is anorexic. She's inlove with creepypasta. She knows almost all of them. Her favorite is Ticci Toby.

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