Chapter 1: Returning Home

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I groaned and opened my eyes.  This time I felt something soft and warm wrapped around my body.  I grunted in pain as I was jolted up and down.  Obviously, someone was running with me in their arms.  I looked up and was surprised to see the terrified face of....Gabriel?  I never really got a chance to talk with the Trickster before.  I wonder what he's doing here.  Wait....did he get me out of Hell?  Another jolt send a sharp pain through my spine.  I cried out, earning his attention.  He glanced down at me, his honey-colored eyes filled with concern.  After a few seconds he tore his eyes off me and I closed my eyes as I heard his wings whooshing.  The jolting stopped and I sighed in relief. Gabriel was panting heavily and I opened my eyes.  We were back in the bunker.

"Cas!  Sam!  Dean!" he called out, his voice cracking.  He cleared his throat.  Nobody answered.  He carried me gently over to my room and laid me in the bed.  I winced and he apologized profusely.  Why was this angel I barely knew so concerned about me?  I closed my eyes for a few seconds then opened them.  He was gone.  I could hear his voice echoing throughout the bunker as he frantically looked for the guys.

I tried to shift, but the pain was too great.  I screamed in pain and curled up in a ball, my body shaking and screaming in protest.  A few seconds later, Gabriel came back in.  He looked at me and his eyes widened.  After about two seconds, he shook his head frantically and knelt down beside me.  I was soothed a little by the scent of his hair.  It smelled like honey, blackberries, and lavender.  My breathing was ragged and I felt like throwing up.

"I-I can't heal your wounds but I can make the pain go away for a while.  Is that okay?" his voice was shaky and he lay a gently hand on my shoulder.  I nodded a little and he instantly put his hand on my forehead.  The pain was gone, but I still couldn't walk or move.  As long as I held still, I wouldn't be able to feel anything. "I'm not exactly i-in the best condition right now..." that was an understatement.  He looked woozy after taking the pain away and that's when I noticed there was a little bit of blood on his lips.

Before I could say anything, I heard the bunker door slam shut.  Gabriel immediately flew (not literally) out of my room.  Even though they were far away, I could still hear most of the conversation between them echoing off the bunker walls.

"Gabriel?  What are you doing here?" Castiel's voice sounded suspicious.

"You'd better have some damn good news, otherwise I'm going to snap your neck." the unmistakable growl of Dean Winchester reached my ears.

"Guys, no........I found her..........Hell....." for some reason Gabriel was talking a lot quieter.  After a few moments of silence, I heard four sets of footsteps pounding against the floor, slowly becoming louder.  Gabriel exploded into my room, Cas following right behind him, and Sam and Dean showed up about a milisecond later.

I guess they didn't notice the condition I was in, because Dean hugged me tightly, which resulted in me screaming.  Tears flowed down my face as my wounds throbbed.  I could see black at the edges of my vision and I knew I was going to black out again.  Thankfully, Dean pulled away, eyes filled with worry.  He turned back to Gabriel. "What the hell happened?  And why was the devil's trap on the door broken?"

Gabriel looked completely innocent, watching me as I groaned in pain.  He acknowledged Dean a few seconds later. "I didn't even realize it was broken.  I was too intent on getting her back here to notice much of anything." I couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

Suddenly Castiel came forward with some medical supplies.  He must've snuck out for a few seconds to grab them.  Dean stepped back as Cas cleaned the cuts on my right arm and wrapped them in bandages.  He grabbed my left wrist and I screeched again as I felt my bones moving in weird ways.  It drove the breath right out of my body.  Cas instantly stopped.  After a few moments of me getting my breath back, he slowly and gently turned me so he could access my arm.  He cleaned the wounds there as best he could before looking at me in the eyes.

"You've broken your arm, so I'm going to need to set it.  It's going to be painful, but I know you'll get through it, okay?" he stroked my hair before turning back to my arm.  Dean slid off his belt, folded it in half, and shoved it close to my face.

"Bit this when the pain comes.  I don't want you breaking your teeth from gritting them too hard, m'kay, kiddo." I took the belt in my mouth and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain.  I could hear Cas take a deep breath before yanking my arm in a way that made me almost black out.  I screeched and bit into the leather, leaving deep teeth marks in it.  Tears spilled out of my eyes and I tried not to scream again.  The pain was still very much there, but it was now a dull throbbing.  I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me, worry etched into their faces.

Gabriel walked over to the other side of the bed and grabbed my right hand, stroking my hand with his thumb.  Everyone but me stared at him in surprise.  He just glanced at them, as if he didn't care that they saw.  I saw Sam smiling like a dork in the background.  He knew something...I should ask him about it when I get better.  But at the moment, I liked the feel of the angel's warm hands touching mine.  I was shaking badly as Cas made a makeshift splint and wrapped my entire arm in bandages.  Dean kept glancing at Gabriel every now and then.

Gabriel kept stroking my hand while Cas stitched up a particularly nasty gouge in my stomach.  I winced in pain and squeezed Gabriel's hand tightly as he poured whiskey on it.  My stomach did a somersault when I tried to sit up properly, which just resulted in more pain and Cas slowly pushing me back down.  The entire time, Gabriel didn't remove his hand from mine.  He was shaking now too.  It was confusing.  If I were talking about anybody else, I'd say that Gabriel cared.  But how could you care about someone you didn't even know too great?

After my wounds had been taken cared of, Dean got up, casting another suspicious glance at Gabriel. "I'm going to go fix the devil's trap before Crowley gets in.  He's such a pain in the ass."

I tensed up when I heard his name.  Sam was the only that noticed the look of sheer horror on my face.  His eyes widened. "He did this to you, didn't he?" he asked.

I nodded and everyone except Gabriel did a double take.  He was the only one that knew until know.  After all, he did rescue me from him.  I looked at him.  His eyes were cast downward and he just sat there, stroking my hand.

Dean growled. "I'm going to kill that cocky son of a-" he was cut off by Sam, who dragged him out of the room.  Castiel stayed behind a few seconds to make sure he got her all bandaged up.  He too stood up and walked away, but not before taking his trenchcoat off and laying on top of me like a blanket.

I glanced around before talking to Gabriel. "Thanks for getting me away from there..." my voice was weak and raspy.  All the screaming did a number on my throat.

"Hey, no problem kid.  It's what I do.  Well, other than causing trouble." he smiled.  It was a genuine smile.  As if he was okay now that I was going to be fine.  I chuckled weakly, still aware of him still stroking my hand.  I glanced down at our hands.  He followed my gaze and slowly took his hand away from mine.  He stood up and left, throwing a, "Get some rest, kid," over his shoulder.


Yay! 1424 words!!!!!

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