Chapter 5: Grooming With Nova

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(Gabriel's POV)

"What do you mean?!" I roared as I glared at the older of the two brothers. " You can't possibly force her to go out there and live on her own!  She could die!"

Dean stared back at me, emotionless. "She's a demon."

I stared at him, a look of bewilderment on my face. "Are you kidding me right now Dean?!  YOU were a demon once!"

"That was different."

"No it's not!  It's not her fault she got kidnapped by Crowley!"

"Yes it is!  If she'd have been more careful, she wouldn't have gotten caught, now would she?" he sneered at me.  Okay.  Something was wrong with Dean.

"You expect an eighteen year old girl to go off on a hunt BY HERSELF and not get into any trouble whatsoever?" I was screaming at Dean now while Sam and Cas watched.  Castiel, my brother, did not support me in this at all.  I felt like throwing a chair at this guy's face.

He simply nodded. "She's an adult now.  She can handle herself."

"She's not leaving."

"Now listen to me-"

"No, you listen to me, you arrogant dick!" he looked a little surprised at me. "Nova is the only person I've ever really connected with.  I love her with all of my heart and soul, and there is no way I'm letting you force her to leave.  Do you understand?"

Dean recovered from the outburst quickly. "Well if she won't leave, then she needs to die."

Castiel got up. "Dean, that's not necessary." he said, a bit of a warning in his tone.

"Yeah Dean that was a little too far." Sam agreed then turned to me. "But he's right, Gabe-"

"Don't call me that." I hissed, balling my hands into fists.

"Okay.  But Dean'd right.  Nova is a threat.  We can't keep her here .  Who knows, she could just be possessed.  I'm sorry, but she can't stay here."

"All of you can go to Hell." I turned around and glared at Castiel in particular.  He looked hurt to see me directing the comment in his direction.  That bastard didn't even have the stones to stick up for what I loved.  Some brother he is.

I could still hear her crying when I reached the door.  I had hoped that she had fallen asleep or something.  I opened the door and closed it quietly.  She didn't seem to notice me as I crawled onto the bed and tackle-hugged her.  She gasped and yelped in surprise only to start laughing sadly as I nibbled her neck.

"What's wrong, Nova?" I asked, feeling her draping her arms around her shoulders.  She had gotten her cast removed the day before and was feeling loads better.  I was hovering over her and she looked at me.

"N-nothing." she wiped away the tears and plastered on a fake smile.  I frowned.

"Nova, tell me the truth or I'm going to drop all of my body weight on top of you." I folded my hands over my chin and rested my elbows on the bed.

She just looked away. "Okay, you asked for it." I heard her protest as I let my body fall, trapping her underneath.  She squirmed under me, smacking my head.

"Get off, you lump!" I heard her laugh.  It was the first genuine laugh I heard in in two weeks, since she tried to kill herself.  After that, there had only been two incidents.  The first time she had tried to overdose of painkillers, and I nearly hurt myself badly healing her.  The other time she tried bathing in holy water.  I knew it couldn't kill her, but then again, it had caused her a great deal of pain.  For the both of us.  It was physical for her and emotional for me.  I've never felt this way about anyone but her, and she's suicidal.  But that didn't matter.

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