Chapter 7: Whoops..

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(Gabriel's POV)

Uh oh.  Crap.  Nova was seriously crying.  I grabbed her face with my hands.

"Hey hey hey!  Don't worry, Nova!" she looked scared. "I can't be killed by a machete."

She stopped and stared at me for a good ten seconds.  After those ten seconds, I closed my eyes to hopefully drive some of the pain away.  Hey, it might not have killed me, but it still hurt like Hell.  I closed my eyes, but I wasn't prepared for the sharp spike of pain that ran through my face.  I opened my eyes.  I done messed up...

She was glaring at me , her hands balled into fists at her sides, shaking.  I raised my hand to my face.  It was tingling with pain.

"Did you slap me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes I did you great big bag of dicks!  You scared the shit out of me!" she was still crying.  I gotta fix this.

I dragged myself up, trying to ignore the waves of pain, and slowly hobbled over to Nova.  Her eyes were shut tight.  I smiled weakly before wrapping my arms around her.  She tried pushing me away, but I was too strong for her.  Eventually she just let me hold her.  She cried into my shoulder.

"Hey sorry for scaring ya kiddo.  Probably should've moved before Dean attacked, huh?" I chuckled lightly in an attempt to get her to stop crying.  It failed.  Instead, she started having a panic attack.  A  bad one.  You know, the ones were nobody says anything and you just hold the other person until they calm down, and then you carry them wherever you're taking them.  That's what I did now.  I pulled Nova closer to me until she rested her head against my chest.  I slowly sat down, gently bringing Nova down with me, until she was curled up in my lap.  She didn't seem to mind the fact that angel blood was pouring out all over her.  She just sat there, letting me run my fingers through her hair.  It felt soft, like my feathers and it smelled like a newborn galaxy (lol don't ask.  Only Gabriel knows what that smells like)

I let her cry and shake against me.  At one point, I felt something sharp dig into my chest.  I looked down to see Nova clinging to me by digging her nails into me.  I winced a little but didn't make any more sound.

An extremely cold wind buffeted me, making me gasp.  I shivered and positioned myself so that the wind was hitting my back, not touching Nova at all.  I looked around at where I had brought us.  We were on top of a building.  It looked like we were in Hollywood.  Yeah, I could see the Hollywood sign way in the distance.

I felt blood trickle down my chin.  I let it stay there, not wanting to bring my arms away from Nova and cause her panic attack to worsen.  Then I realize her breathing had slowed and the shaking had lessened.  I looked down and saw she had her eyes closed.  God, she looked so peaceful when she slept.  But I know she wasn't sleeping.  She had just closed her eyes.  And they were shut tight, tears that had formed under them squeezed out through her eyelids.  This wasn't working fast enough.  I knew we would be found sooner or later, and we needed to keep moving, in case Dean decided to come after us.

I reached down and nipped on her neck, causing Nova to gasp and whimper at the same time.  She looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes.  I picked her up (bridal style) and started carrying her around the rooftop, no matter how much pain I was in.

~Le Time Skip to fifteen minutes later~

Okay, now I was freaking out.  I had tried to bring Nova somewhere else, but I couldn't.  Something was wrong with my wings.  They weren't working.  I tried to think to what could've happened, but nothing........wait....

Dammit.  Dean's machete.  Now that I look back at it, it had engravings on it.  Enochian engravings.  I gasped, causing Nova to turn her head.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice still a little shaky.  Her panic attack stopped a few minutes ago.

I took my shirt off, Nova eyeing me. "Um...Gabe, what are you doing?" she asked.

I sighed in relief as my wings materialized.  But then I noticed they were bent at an odd angle.  That dick broke my wings.

"What the hell?!" Nova jumped up and ran over to me.  I tried to move my wings but ended up on the group, vomiting up several mouthfuls of blood ad stomach fluids.  I was trembling a little.  The pain was so friggin intense.  I felt my muscles tense up as Nova sat down next to me and ran her fingers around the base of my wings.

"What in the hell is going on here?" a man of about forty was standing about a hundred feet away from us, next to a door that led into the building.  His eyes flitted over my body, then settled my wings. "Wait...Gabriel?"

"Do I....k-know you?" my body shivered and I threw up again.  I could barely hear the man over the pain as he spoke.

"It's Samandriel!" I glanced up at him.  Now that I think about it, I did see a little bit off his true face poking out at me a bit. "What happened to your wings?"

I couldn't answer him.  The only thing I remember was Nova shaking me and telling me to get up and I fell on my side.  She was panicking again.  I groaned and closed my eyes.

~Le Time Skip to when Gabe wakes up~

I winced as I felt something sharp dig into my left arm.  Instincts kicked in and I started thrashing around, but I felt Nova's hands pushing me back down.  I slowly opened my eyes and had to squint.  There were bright lights everywhere.  I could barely see Nova's face, and that was hovering right over me.  I felt her hair tickling my face.

Groaning, I looked around.  A strange man was sticking a needle into my arm.  My eyes flew open and I bolted upright, startling the man a little.

"Gabriel, lay back down, you're going to hurt yourself even more!" Nova's voice was panicky.

I was in a hospital.

"What the hell am I doing here?" I hated hospitals. "Why couldn't Samandriel have helped me?"

"He did.  He managed to heal some of your gut, but soon ran out of strength.  There's only so much an angel can take." she crossed her arms and I glanced over at the doctor. "Don't worry.  He's a friend of the family.  Now remember the deal?  I pay extra and you never tell Dean we were here.  Got it?" she directed the last statement at the doctor.

"Yes ma'am." he said, never once taking his eyes off of me.

I leaned my head back and let my body fall onto the bed.  I groaned loudly.  She knew I hated hospitals.  I don't know why.  I just always hated them.  They were too bright, too noisy, and they smelled like disinfectant, which made me choke.

I glared at the doctor when he got a weird machine thingy. "What's that?"

"It's anesthesia.  It'll make you fall asleep so I can get you fixed up faster and better." the doctor gave me a smile.  I didn't return it.

"Oh hells no!  I'm not going to let some stranger knock me out with some sort of strange gas!" I heard a sigh.  It was Nova.  She dragged the doctor out of the room and spoke with his for a while, while I sat there, in complete and utter pain.  They returned after about five minutes.

"Gabe, this is going to help you.  C'mon.  Please?"

We argued for a good ten or fifteen minutes.  I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say I was out before I got to five.


Woooooo!  Another chapter baby!  Thanks guys for reading and leave a vote, comment, and/or follow!  Thanks!

(Word Count: 1332)

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