Chapter 8: Reunion

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(Nova's POV)

I was panicking.  Gabe was still in recovery and he hasn't woken up yet.  He's been in there for about a week now and still hasn't shown any signs of waking up.  Even though I knew he was mad at me for bringing him here, I knew he couldn't stay mad at me forever.  He loves me too much.  And I love him...but there's no way I could tell him that.  He's an angel, no, an ARCHangel.  I'm a friggin demon...

A nurse came up to me and told me I needed to go home.  But I refused.  I told her I don't have a home, that it was wherever Gabe went.  She smiled at me and gave me fifty dollars.

"There's a motel in town.  It's real cheap, but not in the best condition.  Only ten dollars a night.  He should be awake before the money runs out. M'kay?"

"Oh my god, no!  I can't take your money!" I tried giving it back to her, but she shook her head and started walking away.

"You didn't take it.  I gave it to you." she called over her shoulder.

I felt like crying.  I was given more love by a stranger than my own family.  I got up and gave Gabe a kiss on the cheek before leaving.  I was going to be hella pissed at him if he woke up in the middle of the night.

I left the hospital and made my way over to the motel.  I could easily distinguish it.  The thing was run-down and trashy.  I didn't care.  I haven't slept properly in days.  I entered the building, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I got to the receptionist desk, payed for the night, and was given the key.  The hands looked familiar; there was a long scar along the top of the hand.  Looking up, I gasped.

"Nova?" she looked just as surprised as me.  The plump woman in front of me had pinkish-blond hair, bright blue-green eyes, and pale skin.

"M-mom?" my voice shook.

We talked for a few hours.  I stood by her desk as she checked people in and out, and we talked.  She told me that she had left my abusive father after my brother, a boy named Jacob, was killed in a car accident eight years ago.  Well, she claimed it to be a car accident, but I guessed it was my dad.  She also told me that she was making a pretty decent living working at the motel.  I was happy for her.  After a few hours, I looked at the clock.  It was three in the morning.

"Hey I gotta get to bed.  I'm actually waiting for someone to wake up over at the hospital about a mile down the road." I hugged her and said goodnight before heading to my room.

I entered the room and plopped onto the bed, when I immediately started crying.  I was upset and scared that Gabe wasn't waking up.  I was angry with my father (who is now in jail for child abuse and endangerment) for being who he was.  But I was mainly upset at myself for opening up to anybody.  It just led to pain and confusion.  I cried myself to sleep that night.

~Le Time Skip~

I woke up to light flooding into my room.  Sighing, I got out of bed.  I was so tired last night that I didn't even change.  Not that I had anything to change into.  I neatly made the bed and left the motel.  I was going to greet my mother, but there was another person standing there.  I just dipped my head and started walking over to the hospital.

I entered the bright building with a heavy heart, pretty sure that he wouldn't be awake.  I walked into his room to see him still sleeping.  The sight of the strong angel laying in a hospital bed, not responsive, was almost enough to put me in tears.  I loved this doofus and he wasn't waking up.  I didn't know what to do with myself.  After making sure he was still actually alive (he was I'm just super paranoid that he's going to die), I made my way down to the gift shop.  I spent about ten dollars on candy.  The cashier looked at me funny, but I didn't care.  I went back up to Gabe's room and placed the candy down on a small table nest to his bed.

I curled up in a chair next to Gabe and tried to get a few more hours of sleep

It was dark, but not completely.  I could still see my surroundings.  I wish I didn't.  My mother, my kind, sweet mother who never did anything wrong, and my brother, a young boy too young.  They were both dead, their blood spilled out at my feet and covering my hands.  I felt a rough hand on my shoulder.  I turned my head to look and got a punch to the stomach.  I doubled over, almost throwing up.  My vision blurred as I was shoved to the ground.  A foot connected with my sides and legs.  I tried to protect my neck and face, but failed.  I cried out as glass shards got stuck in my hands.  Alcohol poured over my face and I struggled to breath.  My eyes closed, I got up and ran.  I was being chased by an unknown attacker.  I ran and ran, only to run right over the edge of a cliff that had appeared out of nowhere.

My eyes flew open.  I gasped and clutched my chest, my heart beating painfully.  My breathing slowed as I remembered I was safe, still in the hospital.  I heard a crinkling noise and looked around, my eyes widening.  My mouth turned upwards into a smile.'

I rushed over and hugged Gabe, who was busy eating a Snickers.  He laughed and winced as I launched myself on top of him.  Then I slapped him.  He stopped laughing.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, you asshole!" I yelled.

"What are you talking about?"

"You've been unresponsive for a week now!  I was so scared you were going to die..." I put my head on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Don't worry I'm not dead, see?" he smiled at me and placed a light kiss on top of my head.  I'm not sure if he meant for me to feel it or not, but I did.

I nuzzled his chest as he pet me.  I smiled for the first time in days.  A real, genuine smile.  My angel had woken up.  That's all that matters.


Okay.  Chapter 8 done!  Now onto Chapter 9!  Thanks for reading!  Buh bye!

(Word Count: 1110)

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