Chapter 16: Tears of a Flower

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(Nova's POV)

Tears.  That's what I woke up to.  My face and my pillows were soaked in them.  I tried to move, but felt a sharp pain lance through my side.  Oh, that's right, I had an infection.  That and something was pressed against my side.  I panicked, but it was for no good reason; Gabe was sleeping beside me and his angel blade was jabbing me.  I just readjusted it so that I wasn't going to get stabbed.

He moved, which brought me to look at his face.  His eyes were sunken and had huge bags, which I didn't know what possible for an angel.  Not only that, but he seemed to have lost a lot of wait.  Was he really that stressed about something?  I wonder what it was...

"Nova?" his voice made me jump a little.  He had one eyes barely opened and he shifted so we were closer together.  My heart skipped a beat when I felt his body heat.  We were so close, but at the same time we were so far apart.  He had no idea what I had been doing whenever I was left alone.  Ever since that scene in the warehouse, he had tried to not leave my side, but he had to sometime.  I didn't even care at that point, but seeing his disturbed, stress-ridden face made me realize that he really WAS trying.  I guess it was me he was stressing over.  But still.  Depression and suicidal thoughts don't just go away over night.

"Ye?" I rested my head back on the tear-soaked pillows.  At this point I couldn't tell if they were mine or Gabriel's.  Oh well.  It doesn't really matter to me.

"Are you feeling any better?" his voice was hoarse and rumbled deep in his throat.  I pressed my face against his chest and curled up against him, ignoring the pain shooting through my body.  He protested but I just kept shifting until I was curled into a tight ball against him.

I nodded to answer his question.  I was feeling a lot better.  But it felt like something was wrong....that I had missed an important event....

"Are you sure?  You've been out for about a week.  Again." he stroked my hair, which was a matted, greasy mess.  God, I needed a shower badly.

I yawned and nodded. "Gabriel, why are you in bed with me?" was it a dumb idea to ask him that?  Oh god, did I just screw everything up between us?

He smiled weakly down at me. "You were crying, so I volunteered to settle you down.  You have very bad night terrors, ya know.  And you talk in your sleep." he smirked slyly at me, which resulted in me lightly tapping my arm, my face turning red.

"I do not!" I cried.

"Yes you do.  You talk about how amazing and handsome I am." he grinned and nuzzled my hair, which probably smelled to high hell.

"I need a shower...I probably look disgusting right now." I got up, trying my best to ignore the pain.  Gabe got up to help me, but I just told him to stay.  I was surprised he actually listened to me.

I smirked as I got into the shower, the perfectly-warm water running down my body.  Pretty soon my thoughts started drifting to places I forgot existed.  The next thing I knew, somebody was pounding on the bathroom door and I was sitting at the bottom of the shower.

"Y-yeah?" the pounding stopped and I heard a loud sigh of relief come from the other side.  It was Gabriel.

"Nova, are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-yeah, I just fell asleep..." I had to yell to make sure he could hear me over the roar of the water.  After a few seconds, Gabriel left, his footsteps receding farther into my room.  How long have I been in here?  Maybe about an hour?  Gabriel knows I take longer showers, so he wouldn't get worked up over me not being done in a half hour.  Oh well, might as well get out.  Thank god I had gotten cleaned up before I fell asleep.

I got out and towled my body dry.  It took me a little more time to pull my clothes on seeing as they were SKIN TIGHT! (T^T shower problems)  I may have screamed in frustration once or twice.  After about ten minutes of wrestling with my clothes, I finally made my way back to my bed and flopped down, my still damp hair immediately getting water everywhere.

I must've drifted off again, because my eyes shot wide open as somebody knocked on my door.  Sam came in a moment later holding a small black book.  He walked over to me and handed it to me.  I took it and read the gold words on the cover. "Tears of a Flower".  Huh.  It seemed cute, might as well read it.  But why was Sam giving it to me, of all people?

"In case you're wondering, Gabriel wanted me to give that to you." he looked upset about something.  Then again, something must've come up if Gabriel didn't personally make sure I got the book.  I noticed the sunken expression on Sam's face.

"What's it for?  Why is he giving it to me?" I asked, mainly to myself.  I hadn't meant for Sam to hear but I could see his body stiffen from the corner of my eye.  I looked up at him. "Sam?  What's going on?"

Sam hesitated before speaking. "It's his goodbye present."

"What?" I was uber confused.  Why would Gabriel leave without saying goodbye to me?  I thought I meant at least that much to him.

"Gabriel left, because he thought that since Lucifer is looking for HIM alone, we would all be safer if he ditched." Sam rested his hand on my shoulder.  I looked up at him.  His hazel-green eyes were filled with pain and anger.

I didn't even say anything to Sam.  I just got up and ran out of my room, stopping by the weaponry on my way through the long halls.  I grabbed a machete, a rock salt shotgun, and Dean's demon knife, which was surprising that it was even there in the first place.  I could hear Sam following me, but I needed to do something.  I came back the way I came, rushing past Sam too fast for him to process I had doubled back.  On my way to the exit, I ran into Cass, who was just sitting in a chair.  He jumped up when he saw me all geared up.  I guess the gears in his brain work a lot faster than the Winchesters, because he immediately tried to stop me.

"Castiel, move your feathery ass.  Right now." I grit my teeth and prayed that Cass would move.  No such luck.

"Nova, you need to stay here, for your own protection.  Please.  You are still recovering from your wounds and I can tell that you are in pain." his blue eyes were round with worry.

He wasn't lying about the pain thing.  Falling asleep in the shower did a number on them.  They ached and stung a little, but nothing was going to stop me from finding Gabriel.

"Castiel, move.  I'm not afraid to punch you straight in the face." I glared at him, waiting for him to move.  He stared back, glancing behind me as Sam came running up behind me.  I guess he go the memo that I went the other way after all.  But shit!  This is JUST what I need! (heavy sarcasm warning).  Two bitches trying to stop me from finding Gabe.

Cass didn't move.  He just stared.  We stood there for a good seventy seconds before I growled and punched Cass in the face, making him stumble back.  Taking the opportunity, I immediately jumped over him and ran through the halls, Sam close on my trail.  He might have longer legs, but I was smaller so I could navigate the sharp corners.

The final obstacle: Dean Winchester.  He was waiting at the end of the last hall.  Sam had given up and stopped running about a hundred feet back.  But Dean.  Dean was in the way.  He was an enemy in this moment.

He saw me instantly, yet he just stood there, back pressed against the wall, leaving a huge gap for me to run past him.  It was a trap.  Seeing him stand there so brought back memories....memories that I don't remember having.  All I know is that they portrayed Dean trying to kill me, and it gave me a sharp jolt to the brain.  I dropped to the ground, pain searing through my brain as Dean pushed off of the wall and strolled towards me, pity etched all over his face.  He reached me an sighed before carefully scooping me up in his arms.  Instinctively, I started kicking and thrashing, but it was no use against Dean and Cass, who had decided just then to show up again, blood running down from his nose.


oH mY lOrD!  I pulled an all-nighter last night on WebToons and Wattpad and now my keyboard is friggin curved.  I need sleep, but I feel like going on a sleep strike.  I've been trying to deprive my body of sleep to the point where I just collapse from exhaustion.  But hey, I got 2-3 stories updated today, so that's a plus!  Bye!

(Word Count: 1548)

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