Chapter 14: Fear Doesn't Look Too Good On You

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Chapter 15: Fear Doesn't Look Good On You

(Nova's POV)

I was shaking. Bad. When I saw Gabriel run farther away from my hospital room, down through the halls, I didn't know what was going on. My phone was cracked, I was still in too much pain to do anything, and Gabriel hadn't told me anything. I was having a panic attack. Gabriel would never run away without telling me what was wrong unless it was super serious. That meant it had to do with either me or one of the dick angel siblings. Either way I didn't like it.

My head shot up as a doctor came into the room. He looked slightly familiar, but I know I've never seen him in the hospital before. His light blonde hair and green eyes made something inside me stir, but nothing came to mind. Underneath his white doctor coat thingy, he was wearing a regular gray shirt and jeans. He didn't look like a normal doctor, which sent red flags flaring through my brain. And the way he stared at me...I didn't like it one bit. It was scary. That's when I noticed the glint of something silver under his right sleeve.

He smirked and let it drop into his hand. It was an angel blade. My blood froze and I tried to get out of the bed. Before my feet touched the ground, the stranger was by my side, pushing me back down. Pain lanced through my stomach and I looked down; a few of the stitches had come undone and I was bleeding badly. The red liquid dripped down my stomach, staining the hem of my pants red. Yes, I was wearing pants, I had demanded it after they took me out of surgery.

"Don't go hurting yourself there, pretty lady. Wouldn't want to get stabbed again, would ya?" his voice sent chills down my spine and my neck prickled. "Just tell me where my baby bro's at, and I might let you live."

I sat there, shaking and trying not to pass out from fear and pain. This guy was most likely looking for Gabriel, which meant I was staring at an angel. But at least the angels I've met didn't try to kill me. Wait, how do I know he tried to kill me? He hasn't made any attempts to hurt me so far...

"Ya know, Nova. Fear doesn't look too good on you. It makes you look weak, and I hate it when my victims look weak. I like to kill people who at least look like they could be equal to Lucifer."

Okay, I was in full panic mode. Gabriel wasn't anywhere in sight and Lucifer himself was about to kill me. Eh, wouldn't be the first time. I did a double take. I remembered a tiny bit of something...I could remember somebody driving an angel blade into my stomach, somebody with pale blond hair and green eyes...oh shit. Gabriel wasn't lying when he told me that Lucifer had stabbed me.

I flinched as Lucifer cupped my cheek with his free hand. It sent prickles through my skin. Something woke up in my in an instant. And a moment later Satan was laying on the ground, cradling a broken nose. Blood dripped down his face and he groaned, getting back up. I took the opportunity and got out of bed, stumbling to the door, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I coughed and something wet dripped out of my mouth. It was blood, I knew it was.

"Nova?" I lifted my head and saw Gabriel running down the hall towards me. I took a step out into the bright hallway and proceeded to fall to the ground, coughing up blood as I did so. He knelt down beside me and lifted my head, forcing me to make eye contact. It didn't work. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as I was about to lose consciousness. I fainted.

My body shivered. It was cold and dark when I finally opened my eyes. I could see Gabriel's face hovering nearby and I tried to sit up. That was a mistake. I was still in pain from the stitches opening. I felt nauseous, hot, sweaty, and freezing cold all at the same time. My stomach was on fire and itched like crazy.

"Nova, are you okay?" I turned my head at Gabriel's soft voice. He gently lifted me into a sitting position. It only hurt for a few seconds and he apologized profusely for it. He cradled me in his arms and I tried not to throw up on him.

"Gabe, I'm gonna throw up..." I groaned and he helped me lean forward so I would only puke on the ground, which was covered in damp stone and bits of moss. My throat burned and tears stung at the corners of my eyes as I threw up mouthfuls of blood, water, and some hospital shit I had eaten earlier. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Gabriel rubbed the back of my head as I vomited. About five minutes passed before my stomach felt completely empty. Even then, I was still dry heaving for a while. It took a while for my heart to stop racing. I was shaking still.

"Where are we?" my throat was sore and it felt like I shouldn't be talking right now.

"We're in an old warehouse. Sam and Dean should be here shortly, I called them about three hours ago. I was super lucky to get you out of that hospital before Luci could get back up after I punched him in the stomach. I'm just glad you're okay..." I don't know what, but something in me snapped. I quickly stood up, ignoring the pain and Gabriel's protests.

"Don't you get it?!" I yelled, hurting my throat even more. "I'm NOT okay! I'm not okay and I never will be okay! My life is trash, I've been stabbed too many times to count, I was abused as a child, and everyone I love is either dead, dying, or oblivious! So no, Gabriel. I am NOT okay. Most days I try to kill myself while you're off doing whatever the hell it is you do. It fails every single time and every single time, I'm even more determined because I can't even not fail at this simple thing called suicide! Why can't I just be left alone to die already?!" tears fell down my face, but I didn't care. I was a mess. A great big mess that needed to stop existing. I thought about all the times my father would leave a scar on my back, about all the times my brother would hit me over the head with a beer bottle, all the times my mother would run off and do nothing! All of the times that my family and I interacted, it was awful. I didn't deserve any more or any less. I am and always will be a mistake. A mistake that needed to take care of itself.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Gabriel, who was standing in front of me. His hands were balled into fists and his eyes were cast downward. I could still see that they were narrowed and that he was trembling slightly.

"Nova, I have never ever cared about someone the way I care about you. Stop calling yourself worthless, not needed, uncared for, unloved, a mistake. They are all lies! I can't bear to watch you call yourself such terrible things. I wish you could just see yourself the way I do. Please stop, Nova. I don't know what I'd do without you, so just stop!" his head shot up. His whiskey-colored eyes were shining with tears. He acted like he cared, but that little voice in the back of my morbid, demented mind kept telling me I was just his little toy to play with. I couldn't stand being someone's "toy" or "plaything". I just glared.

"Screw you, Gabriel. Nobody cares..." I turned, trying to ignore thepained look in his eyes. I couldn'thandle him acting anymore.


Heyo, sorry for my absence, I didn't have internet for a while so I just wrote the chapters without it.  still feeling like shit, but I thought that you guys deserve another TWO chapters today, so here's the first one.  Bye!

(Word Count: 1383)

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