Chapter 3: Figuring It Out

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(Nova's POV) (Warning: There will be self-harm and fluff in this chapter.  You've been warned)

~Three weeks later~

I had gone to the hospital a few weeks ago to get an actual cast.  It was a bit of a pain, really.  Sam, Dean, and Cas left Gabe to watch over me.  The dumb angel always tried making me laugh, but was super serious when I was in pain.  It was like it broke his heart to see me like this.  I thought back to the hospital.  The doctor had questioned my other wounds.  I didn't answer at first, which made him think I was lying.  At least I was pretty sure he thought it.  I had told him that I was attacked by a group of feral raccoons.  He had me tested for rabies, gotten the cast on, and fixed my stitches before sending me out.  In the following three weeks, the guys have been on hunts almost the entire time, which meant I spent my days with Gabriel.

"Sup, kiddo?" he ruffled my hair and sat down next to me on my bed. "Ya feeling any better?"

I nodded. "Loads.  My cuts are healing fast and the stitches look like they're ready to be taken out.

"Can I take a peek at them to make sure?" he asked a little shyly.

"Sure." I just shrugged and lifted my shirt a little, revealing the stitches.  I winced a little as he ran his fingers over them gently.  I thought I could see a faint blush on his face.

"Oh yeah, they're getting a lot better." he sat back up and I pulled my shirt back up.  I was taken by surprise as he pulled me into a side hug and attacked my head with a noogie.

"Gabe!" I screeched. "Stop it you moron!" I was giggling at the childish gesture but the angel wouldn't let up.  I threw my head back and laughed, tears forming at the corner of my eyes as he proceeded to tickle me.  I swatted his hands with my right hand, but soon forgot I was wearing a cast.  I tried to prop myself up with it and almost immediately blacked out.  I guessed Gabriel could feel my mood change too, because he stopped.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" I yelped, cradling my left arm.  I felt him jump up and kneel down in front of me.

"Oh god, are you okay, kiddo?" he asked, clearly worried.  I gritted my teeth and nodded before letting out a deep breath.  I guess I must've been shaking because Gabe got up and hugged me, being very careful of my arm.  Even though I was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay younger than the archangel, I was still almost as tall as him.  His eyes were filled with concern as he brought me closer to him.  I felt my heart skip a beat as I got close enough to feel his heartbeat through his shirt.  I sighed contentedly and laid my head against his his chest, the steady rise and fall soothing me through the pain.  I could feel his body heat up and he picked me up bridal style, surprising me.  I yelped a little and blushed as he lay me down in the bed.  He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my body.  I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and soon fell asleep, cuddling an archangel.

~Le Time Skip to three hours later (brought to you by Destiel's love child)~

I sat up straight, beads of sweat running down my face.  My breathing was heavy as I looked around.  My eyes finally landed on the archangel sleeping next to me.  He looked so peaceful sleeping.  He was....neutral.....I guess.  I strained my ear, listening for any sounds of something that could've woken me up.  I could hear the guys shuffling around around a little, but other than that, there was nothing.  I must've had a bad dream and don't remember it.  My attention was drawn back to Gabriel, who had shifted in his sleep.  His face fell into a frown for a second before I laid back down, cuddling up to him.  She didn't really like to think that she had a crush on Gabe, but she did like to cuddle with him.  He was warm and had a sweet scent that would calm anyone down.  To be honest, he was the only reason I didn't wake up in a cold sweat screaming bloody murder most days.  And if I did, he would sense it and be in my room within a matter of seconds to try and console me.

He shifted again and draped his arm across my left shoulder.  He stroked the back of my head in his sleep and I entangled our legs together.  He smiled faintly and I closed my eyes, letting sleep enfold me again.

~Another Time Skip to two more hours later (brought to you by Highschool Castiel!)

This time I could remember the nightmare.  The screams, the blood, the bones.  Every detail haunted me as I sat bolt upright, startling Gabriel awake.  I looked around my room frantically, trying not to scream out loud.  I was sweating and shaking and whimpering.  I yelped as I felt warm arms trap me.  It scared me at first, but then I realized it was Gabriel.  It was pretty normal for him to wake up to me screaming or trembling.  He pressed his body against mine and rested his chin on my right shoulder instantly.  Breathing gently, he shifted and wrapped his legs around my torso and clung to my back.  I was still shaking badly and was in danger of having a breakdown any second.  After a while of him hugging me, I got up.  I was still wearing my clothes from earlier.  I grabbed the cup of water that was always on my nightstand and drank it.  It burned a little, but I didn't take much mind of it.

"Where ya going, kid?" he asked, his voice still sleep-filled.

"I'm just heading to the garage for a few minutes.  I'll be back, Gabe." I answer.  In an instant, he was wide awake and getting up.

"Oh, no need to go there, why don't you just uh..." he was at a loss for words.  For once.

I was extremely confused. "Why?"

"N-No reason!" he chuckled nervously.

I squinted at him. "Mhm." I turned around and made my way to the garage.  I heard a faint curse from Gabriel as he struggled to get up.  I was already at the door when Gabe came running up to me.

"Wait, don't go in there!" he yelled, surprising me.


"Well, um....there's a there for you.  Dean....doesn't want the surprise to be ruined." I gave him a bitchface.

"Gabe I can tell when you're lying." I swung open the door and walked into the garage, only to stop short by an invisible field.  Okay.  Now I was freaking out.  I looked around.  Gabe was still a few feet away and there were no walls.  Then something dawned on me.  I turned to face Gabriel, stared at him for a few seconds, then looked up, where a devil's trap was painted.  It was almost the exact shade of color as the ceiling.  It hit me all at once.  I slowly returned my gaze back to Gabriel.

I started hyperventilating.  My breathing quickened and I dropped to the ground, shaking.  In an instant, Gabriel was on his knees in front of me, hands resting on his lap.  I looked up at him, a silent rage coursing through my body.  The glare made him back up about a foot.  He held out his hand, but I smacked it away, standing as I did so.

"How could you not tell me?!" I screamed loud enough for Sam and Cas to come running up to us a few moments later.  Gabriel just stared at me, eyes wide, mouth parted slightly. "How could you not friggin tell me that I'm a god-forsaken demon?!" I saw tears starting to form at the edges of his eyes.

"W-what's going on here, guys?" Sam asked, extremely confused.

I glared at him and I could feel the demonic hold in my soul get stronger.  I could see his eyes widen. "Mr. Pretty boy over here forgot to tell me one teensy weensy detail.  I'M A FREAKING DEMON!!"

Gabriel looked like he was going to cry, his honey-colored eyes down.  Sam was staring at her, no doubt wondering if he should get Dean and Castiel just watched, his eyes emotionless as usual.  I whipped my head back in Sam's direction as I heard someone round the corner.  It was Dean, fully dressed, holding a machete.  He lowered it when he saw me.

"Nova....what the hell is wrong with you?" his voice was low and he was obviously tired.  Everyone except Gabriel looked up at the devil's trap and a silent realization slapped all of them in the face.

Everyone turned their heads towards Gabriel as he stood up, trembling a little.


Hello!  What do ya guys think?  I really love this story so far and I was actually able to write four friggin chapters of it in less than two hours.  I love life right now.

(Word count: 1521)

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