Chapter 17: Frustration

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(Nova's POV)

I was trapped. Sam and Dean had me unable to get past either of them. They looked at me, sadness in their eyes. They could tell how desperate and scared I was. They just wanted to help me by keeping me here, but that is the exact opposite of what I need. My eyes were wide and I could feel myself shaking. The demon knife had moved and was digging into my skin, making a thin trail of blood trickle down my leg. But the pain of losing Gabriel was larger. I saw Dean's eyes flicker towards the trail of blood and he loosened up, walking towards me.

Instinct kicked in and I instantly lased out, ripping the demon knife from my thigh and swinging it in front of me, but it didn't stop Dean. He sighed before nodding to Sam, who lunged forward and grabbed my arms, pinning me against him. I cried out in surprise and rage as I viciously fought against the larger man, to no avail. I was becoming weaker, the pain from my wounds draining the energy from my body and pretty soon my knees were giving out. Sam was the only thing that stopped me from collapsing to the ground. My vision became blurred with tears and at that moment I gave up.

I let Sam wrap his arms around me, Dean kneeling down in front of me, removing the weapons. Tears flowed down my face and I curled up, causing Sam to have to pick me up so I didn't bleed on the ground. I don't see how that's any better than bleeding on his clothes. I heard him sigh and Dean grabbed all the weapons, walking off towards the weaponry. Sam followed him (her room and the weaponry are in the same area). My body shook harder as I was brought further and further from the exit; the one place where I can start looking for Gabe.

~Le Time Skip~

It was midnight.  Sam and Dean were asleep, but Cass was still walking around, making sure I didn't leave.  I was laying in bed, where Sam had put me a few hours ago.  My mind was still on Gabriel as I swung my legs over the side and exited my room, walking towards the kitchen.  I ran into Cass halfway there.  He saw me and started walking towards me, but I just sped away.  I heard him following me.

"Nova, what are you doing?" he asked, still following me.

I ignored him.  He sighed heavily before grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.  He was about to say something, but ended up not saying when he saw the deadly glare on my face.

"Leave.  Me.  Alone." I ripped my arm out of his grip and continued walking.  He didn't follow me.  Good.  That means that I had a better chance at sneaking out.  I glanced around.  The guys still weren't around.  I continued the path to the kitchen.  When I got there, I made sure to make a little noise.  Not enough to wake Sam or Dean, but enough to make sure that Cass was convinced I was just getting something to eat.  I could hear his footsteps getting quieter.

I sighed heavily before heading out my secret door, which is just a square of drywall that's able to swing back and forth hidden behind a storage unit.  Since there was nothing but a few books on said unit, it was relatively easy to move and it didn't make a butt-ton of noise.  I quickly entered the small tunnel feet first, moving the storage unit back into place as I inched down the tunnel, which was just the right size.  The drywall door swung back into place and I was left in complete darkness.  I had found and memorized the secret tunnel when I first met the Winchesters.

A friend from the street told me about the two guys that live in the abandoned "bomb shelter".  They like to keep to themselves, but some days it seems like a man with dark hair and a tan trenchcoat would appear from out of nowhere and one of the guys would let them in.  I laughed, saying that they were probably monster hunters.  M friend dared me to go in there, and I accepted, which led to me finding the tunnel and being caught by the archangel, Gabriel, and the normal angel, Castiel.

Thinking back to that first day, when I met Gabriel, it brought immense pain to my heart as I shakily pushed open another secret door.  I took in a deep breath of fresh air.  It was starting to get stuffy and breathing was becoming difficult.  I pulled myself out and sat on the cool grass, my eyes being drawn to the stars above me.

I got up, grunting.  I winced in pain as I stretched.  Shit.  I need to be more careful, I'm still hurt real bad.  One wrong move and I could end up dead or worse.

My eyes fluttered shut as I took in the fresh night air.  The crispness of it shilled me, but I didn't care.  I would hike through snowdrifts naked to see Gabriel again.

Tears stung my eyes unexpectedly.  I gasped in shock when I opened my eyes and saw someone moving at the treeline.  It was a man.  A short one.  I could see that he hasn't noticed me yet.  My heart nearly dropped when I saw the streetlamp filtering down on his gold, honey-colored hair.  I ran towards him, not even trying to conceal my presence.

I ran up to him and hugged him, crying into his chest.  The breath was knocked out of me as I was thrown to the ground, being glared at angrily.

"Who the hell are you?!"


Heyo, sorry for the long wait.  I haven't had much time to write and I couldn't think of how to write this chapter, so I kept putting it off for the longest time.  Thanks for reading!  Bye!

(Word Count: 1003)

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