Chapter 13: Memory

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(Gabriel's POV)

(Thanks, Dimka28 for giving me and idea for this chapter!)

To be honest, I was terrified.  I was terrified that Nova didn't remember much of anything.  That the only thing she knew was who I am.  Wel, might as well figure it out.

Nova was still in the hospital.  She'd been there for about three days so far, but she slept most of the time so it didn't really give me much time to question her.  But today she was awake and the doctors weren't shoving me out the door so they could perform "tests" on my friend.

"Gabriel!" Nova called out as i mindlessly passed the door.  I looked in and saw her sitting up, smiling.  It hurt that she didn't call me "Gabe" or "Gabey" anymore. "You okay, there?" Damn!  She noticed.

I just smiled and nodded before walking over to her. "Nova, what's the last thing you remember before waking up here?" I held onto her hands.  They were shaking just a little bit.  It still worried me somewhat.  She closed her eyes.

"The last thing I remember is helping you groom your wings..." she trailed off and grabbed her phone.  She called someone, I didn't see who, but when they answered I froze.

"Nova?" I could hear his voice on the other end.

"Dean?  What the heck, man?  I'm stuck in a hospital with Gabriel and I can't remember a thing."

"Um, Nova, I don't think you should be talking to him..." I tried to grab the phone but Nova just turned away.

"Oh, thank God, Nova!  We've been looking for you for weeks!"

Okay, now I'm confused. "Nova, let me see the phone real quick." I take the phone out of her hands. "Dean, get Sam on the phone for me."

"Okay?" there was shuffling and some static, but I heard Sam's voice a few seconds later.

"Gabriel?  That you?"

"Samoose!  What the hell is going on with Dean?  One day he's psycho killer, the next he's all worried and trying to find us.  My brain is going to explode if I don't get answers soon!" I hissed into the phone.  Sam didn't answer for a few seconds and I started getting panicky.

I let out the breath I had been holding when he answered. "Something happened with Dean.  We don't know yet, but all he remembers is not having any control over his body while trying to put a machete in Nova.  The spell or whatever instantly let up when he stabbed you instead.  Speaking of which, are you okay?"

"Would I be talking to you right now if I weren't okay?  No, Nova's the one in the hospital now." I think I heard Sam drop the phone.  A few seconds later, Dean's voice blasted in my ear.

"NOVA'S IN THE HOSPITAL?!  WHY?!" I had to hold the phone away from my ear to stop my eardrums from rupturing.

"Calm your tits, Dean.  Lucifer stabbed her with an angel blade.  The thing is, she can't remember anything that happened within the last month.  She even called you.  I highly doubt she would've done that if she remembered, so don't even try saying otherwise.  Another did Lucifer get out of the cage?  I thought nothing could get that dick out." I left Nova's room.  Hopefully she wouldn't hear me and start to ask questions.



Nothing except an awkward cough.  Something dawned on me.

"What did you guys do to get my brother out of time out?" my voice came out as a growl, creeping out a little kid as she passed with her mother.  My hands shook as I realized that those two must've done something.

"Gabriel, are you okay?" Sam's voice was shaky.  It must've been him.

"Sam.  What.  Did.  You.  Do?"

"In trying to stop Lilith from freeing Lucifer, I killed her.  I had no clue that she was the final seal." I dropped the phone and watched as it-and my sense of safety-were shattered.


I'm sorry the chapter's so friggin short.  I didn't really have any idea what to write for this.  I guess I just needed to write another filler to get the plot moving alone.  Anyways, vote, comment, and/or follow!  Thanks guys!

(Word Count: 693)

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