1. Memories Like Shattered Glass

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"Mommy help me!" The voice rang out through the house like a horn, sounds of crashing and banging all around. A bookshelf came crashing down, horrible shrieks being heard all around as a monstrous shadow loomed overhead.

Just then, an arm spread across like a protective hood before red was splattered on the ground like paint, the protection being tossed away. There was a pang of pain before the dark figure faded into nothing. Sirens could be heard in the background as the door was ripped off of what was left of its hinges. Another protective hood was then thrown over, everything being seen through eyes like a hazy mist before there was complete silence.

5:30 am Akira City

"Ahhhgh!" Kai bolted up from his bed with sweat beading down his forehead.

'Damn it! Another one...'

His mouth was clamped shut and he could feel the fang protruding through his lower lip. The pain was excruciating but it was nothing new to him, he had been having these recurring dreams for about 13 years now. He was hoping someday he would grow out of them. So far he had no such luck.

He knew they weren't random dreams. He knew they were memories.

His feet made a muffled patting sound as they hit the wooden floor of the apartment building he currently called home. Getting up, he walked to the bathroom flicking on the light switch.

"Gaah!" His lip burst into excruciating pain as the fang exited. He covered his mouth as a bit of crimson seeped onto his fingers. 'Well, here's my breakfast,' Kai sighed, sucking the blood off his finger.

He had to pull it together, he had a job to do. He was called into the office of the organization he worked for; a branch of the Japanese government that was put together after the world discovered that the things that go bump in the night do indeed exist. The Chief of Command was the woman who saved his life. Not literally, of course, his mother did that and paid the ultimate price for it. But, thanks to this woman, Kai wasn't alone and that was important. Especially when he was discovering just what he was.

He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. 'Damnit, Kai, get it together!' He cursed inwardly as he turned on the water in the sink to wash his face. The warm water was relaxing on his skin as he cleaned off the remaining sweat and blood. He wondered just what she wanted to see him for today especially so early. He had class in a few hours after all. Kai didn't really understand why he still had to go to classes, in his mind his future was set. He was a vampire hunter, but the woman's words rang in his head.

"You never know Kai, the future might have something totally different in store for you."

It was funny considering he was already 18 years old and a senior. Just the thought of her words caused a smirk to tug itself along the tip of Kai's mouth as he turned off the water and checked his reflection to make sure his dark hair didn't become too unkempt during the night.

'Good enough,' He thought as he exited the bathroom. He didn't like looking at his reflection too long. The blue fire in his eyes reminded him of the monster that stole his past away from him.

Stepping into his room he sighed deeply. The room was still rather dark as the sun was just rising but that was okay, he preferred a darker atmosphere. Kai walked over to the dresser, opening it up. It was fairly organized, pants and long-sleeved shirts in the top drawers, shorts, tank tops and short sleeved shirts in the lower drawers. He pulled out his phone to check the weather and then decided on the appropriate attire. He settled on a plain blue T-shirt and black shorts. He pulled the shirt over his head then the shorts up his legs as his phone rang. Picking it up he hopped on one foot trying to put on his shoe.

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