(2) Memories Like Shattered Glass (2) (Makoto)

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(The first time I ever remembred, was during the middle of the night, during my dreams. Over time, I was able to remember more and more, and for longer periods at a time, and then, I could no longer forget....)

Three days later:
      "Makoto, stop picking on him!" My mother tried to sound serious but I could see the smile on her face as I continued to pinch Kai's cheeks. What was I supposed to do, he took the last riceball! As he ran away with it I jumped after him. Even for being only 3 years old he was still stronger than me, I hadn't gone through my growth spurt yet. But, in this case, that actually played to my advantage.

"Get back here!" I growled jumping on his back. I can still hear his laughing as I grabbed both of his cheeks pulling them back. "Give that back!" In the next instant he lost his balance sending us both tumbling to the floor. "Uuughhh...." The room started to spin as my head hit the floor. Sighing I rolled to my knees looking over at Kai who had fallen beside me. "You... you ok buddy?" He smiled weakly as he rolled to his feet, then his smile turned into a grimace. "What's wrong?" He brought his hand out from behind his back showing the smooshed rice ball in his fingers. I couldn't help but give a loud chuckle as I stood up wiping his hands. "Don't worry, I can always make another one with mom some other time." Ruffling his hair I smiled brightly. I could see our mom trying to hold in a laugh as she looked at us. That's when the knocking started.

      It sounded like someone was trying to beat down our door. Mom stood up looking out then turned to us frantically. I could see the worried expression on her face as she ran towards us. But, it was me she grabbed. She pulled me up and took me by the arm rushing me down the hall. "M... mom, what's... ahhh!" I had no idea what was happening or why mom seemed so desperate. Nevertheless, she grabbed the doorknob to the closet at the end of the hall swinging it open.she guided me inside.

"Stay there... Makoto...." She started to shut the door but I put my foot in front of it.

"Mommy... what about you and Kai! I wanna help!" The last thing I saw was her shaking her head. I also remember her lips moving but..... I could never remember what it is she said....

        As the door closed I heard a big slam, like the door coming off its hinges, shattered glass, loud crashes..... I wanted to throw the door open and find out what was going on but, my feet wouldn't leave that spot. Dropping down to my knees I held my hands to my ears clenching my eyes shut. A tear fell down my cheek onto the floor as I downcasted my eyes.... The next thing I heard was Kai scream out....

"Mommy!!....." After several minutes all the noise faded.... I couldn't even hear my brothers voice.

        Slowly, I picked my head up and pushed my right hand down using it to push myself to my feet. Slowly, I reached for the doorknob.... My body was shaking as I turned the knob opening the door. Squinting my eyes as the light intruded the small dark space. Slowly walking out I noticed the mess. The furniture was tossed and broken, the windows shattered, shades dishevelled.... But, the worst thing was, I couldn't find him.... I couldn't find my brother! My mind was racing as I looked around frantically before I noticed my mother laying by the coffee table....

        I ran up to her bending down. "M...mom!... "Mom!...." She wasn't moving, she had blood on the corner of her mouth and chest. But,why, why would anyone do.... "M...mom!...." Tears filled my eyes as drops fell onto her lifeless body....

       I clenched my fists as I pushed my body upward and tore out the broken door looking down the road.... How long was I stuck in there... and where... where was my brother?...

(I had no idea where to look, my mind was filled with so many emotions that day, I walked for what felt like hours but I saw nothing. I didn't know what had actually happened to mom, I didn't know where Kai was, I was all alone.... Later on, I saw an emergency vehicle and told the officer what I knew.... I thought everything would be ok but, instead, he took me to a place with a lot of kids, some my age, some older some younger... all alone. Little did I know, that stay would be my hell, or that I would find help in the most unexpected way that might even lead me back to... my brother...)

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