7. Answers of Origin

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Abandoned Aviation Museum
Present Day:

     Kai had many questions swirling around in his head. One in particular though, needed more attention than the others. "So wait, wait, it sounds to me like Kokona and I being partners was in the works a lot longer than just a few days ago." Klein nodded,

"A few days after you entered Chimera Academy we were visited by Haruka's grandmother. Turns out, she and Kai's mother were good friends, and a promise was made. If it turned out that any of the future generations gained the power of their ancestor then a powerful glamour would be used to make sure it didn't get into the wrong hands."

"Huh.... ancestor?" Kai sat up slowly as his limbs finally started to work again. Klein sighed deeply...

"Can you walk, if I'm going to explain this, I need to show you something." Kai nodded slowly as he slowly kicked his feet over what he now realized was the examining table he was laying on. Slowly and with Kokona's help he got to his feet. She helped to stabilize him holding his arm as he used her as support.

"T..thanks, I think I got it." Kokona released his arm as he took a step forward then began to follow Klein.

      The two walked down a short corridor to a small door connected to a scanner. Klein took the badge he was wearing around his neck and pressed it to the scanner which made a soft Hum before Kai heard the mechanical click of the door unlocking. Klein moved his hand over the handle and opened the door slowly beckoning Kai to go first.

      It almost seemed like an illusion, the outside of the room was small one would have never guessed that through the door there would have been an entire library. The decor of the room looked quite expensive too. The floor separated on the other side of the door from the pain looking white tile linoleum to a nice red wood with a dark finish which made a soft tapping sound under their feet. There were a few expensive looking chairs along the front of the room, all of them looked more like thrones rather than chairs. Above a couple of bookshelves was a painting encased in a gold frame. It depicted a middle aged man in grand robes and what looked like a hat with an orange sun. "This is the organization's most important room. The library of the order." Klein explained as Kai heard the door shut behind them.

   As Kai stepped closer he noticed the plaque under the large painting. "VOIVODE Vlad Drăculea circa 1448-1476" Kai turned to Klein, an obvious confused look plastered on his face.

"Vlad the impaler... What the hell do I have to do with Him?"

Above the painting was a large metal shield with the impression of a cross and flames which Kai knew from history as being the mark of the "Order of the Dragon" but, there was also something different. Two impressions of a feather on each side of the cross.

      Kai raised an eyebrow before looking back at Klein. "You said something about an ancestor. He was like, Hungarian or something right? A cruel Hungarian war leader." The man known as Klein shook his head as he sat down.

"Not quite...."

"The first thing you have to realize Kai, Klein started; "is that at the time, Vlads home was at war, things were in complete chaos with ideas of conquest and pillagery. At the time we're talking about, they were in danger of conquest from the Ottoman Empire." Kai nodded as he listened to the story. "Let me ask you something Kai, do you know what the whole point of the company is?" He asked. Kai thought for a second as the room suddenly went quiet.

      "Wow, I thought he would have had an answer right away." Came a voice from the doorway. A girl who looked to be about 2 or three years older than Kai came in running a hand through her shoulder-length black hair. "So what, the Kai I've heard so much about has no answer? That's disappointing." Klein gave the girl a disapproving look.

CLANDESTINE PROGRESSIVE ARC 1: ORIGINWhere stories live. Discover now